The Internship (inkinmyheartandonthepage)

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Word Count- 2,263

"What is wrong with this picture?" Tony asked, striding into the large office.

"You are actually at work?" Pepper smirked, lifting her eyes from the computer for a brief moment to look at her fiancé before giving her attention back to the device.

"Funny," Tony winked. "No, see usually it's you dragging me away from work, not the other way around." He looked at her thoughtfully. "I'm not sure how I feel about this change in routine."

"I'm nearly done," Pepper said. "Actually, while you are here I want to talk to you about something."

"Is it about me taking you out for a romantic dinner?" Tony asked, plopping himself down in a chair. "And then taking you home?"

Pepper cheeks flushed with pleasure. "No," she said slowly. "Though I do want to hear more about that later. I want to talk to you about school."

"Hmmm pass," Tony said.

"Specifically," Pepper said pointedly. "Peter's school."

This held Tony's attention. "What about his school."

"They're coming here for a field trip on Friday," Pepper said.

A smirk filled Tony's face. "Really?"

"Get that smirk off your face," Pepper warned. "I know what you are thinking and no, you cannot embarrass Peter."

"You, are no fun," Tony pouted.

"This is a big trip for him," Pepper said. "I don't want us to embarrass him."

Tony's eyes narrowed. "You said us."

"I did."

"I know I would embarrass him but why do you think you would?" Tony asked, leaning forward.

"Well, you would obviously," Pepper agreed.

"Pepper," Tony said. "You're avoiding the question."

"He calls me mum," Pepper said, biting her lip to stop from smiling so wide. Her smile disappeared into a stern frown at Tony as she regained her trail of thought. "You will not ruin this for me."

"Uh, Pep, the kid adores you," Tony said. "Nothing I do will stop him from calling you mum."

"Just, no embarrassing him, please," Pepper sighed. "Let him get through at least one field trip unscathed."

A chill rolled down Tony's spine as her words and he found himself nodding. "I will behave."

Pepper pursed her lips but nodded.

"Miss Potts," Amelia stuck her head through the door. "The Midtown School of Science and Technology have arrived."

"Thank you, Amelia," Pepper said. She stood and collected her clipboard, striding to the door. "Any sign of Mr. Stark?"

"No," Amelia said hesitantly. "I will keep an eye out for him, Miss Potts."

"Don't strain yourself," Pepper chuckled.

They made their way swiftly through Stark Industries and as they approached the lobby and Pepper felt a nervous flutter in her stomach for the first time in a long time. She ignored them, planted a smile on her face and went to greet Peter's class.

"Good Morning," Pepper said loudly, earning the attention of the class. She surveyed them and tried not to grin too wide when she spotted Peter, Ned and MJ at the back of the group. "I'm the CEO of Stark Industries, Miss Potts and welcome. We a thrilled to have you tour our facility and hope that it gives you some inspiration for your future."

Peter Parker Field Trip to Stark industriesWhere stories live. Discover now