Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Blaze picked me up and held me close to his chest, but it wasn't close enough. I wondered if it would ever be close enough. Without a word to me he ran into the house, his eyes were unfocused for a bit. He must be talking through the pack link, was my last coherent thought before heat rolled over me again drowning my world. I vaguely remember seeing enforcers who I knew were mated surrounding the house, I also vaguely remember seeing a wide eyed Lucy holding Alyssa and a gun in the living room. I tried to focus, but all I could think of was Damon.

He quickly rushed the stairs and hurried into his room. He bolted the door securing us in, then marched to the bed where he threw me on it. He stripped off his shirt, ripping it. I didn't think he cared. I know I didn't. He hesitated as he crawled up, and I saw bits of Damon there in his eyes.

"I'm sorry kitten, we have no choice now." His words pulled me back inside myself long enough to respond.

"It's okay. As long as it's you." He groaned at my words, covering my body, before kissing me passionately. His hands working down my stomach massaging the pain.

"I promise to make this amazing for you." He promised, looking me deep in the eyes. He reached down leveraging one then then other boot free of my feet.

My body arched into his hands as he reached for the button of my pants.

"I know you will." Damon smiled up at me as he pulled the denim free from my legs. His hands skimmed their way up both my legs, moving to the outside of my thigh once they reached the top. Over my hips, across my stomach and up, taking my tank with it. His eyes never left my body as each inch was revealed. As if he were memorizing every nook, cranny, and freckle.

"I may never let you leave this bed." He growled as my bra came off and my breasts were revealed. I placed a hand on his cheek and I loved when he curled in to it. I reached up with my head and placed a chaste kiss to his lips.

"We have the rest of our lives to take it slow. Right now, I just need you." At my words his eyes flashed between gold and blue. He jumped off the bed ripping his pants off. Before I could get a good look he was on me again.

"As you wish."

****************(Read the R Rated Chapter for the naughty bits.)*************************

I woke slowly from my nap, stretching cat like against a firm muscled chest. Memory surfaced of our coming together a few hours ago, and smile lit my face. A firm hand grabbed at my thigh pulling me over him.

"Enjoy your nap?" I nodded content. He had a dangerous glitter in his eyes as he smiled at me, and I quickly realized why. The "why" being hard and firm against my behind. He gave a laugh and rolled us both over till I was beneath him. "You do know we got so caught up I didn't mark you right?"

"Yes, I did notice that." I smiled at him. I couldn't help it, he looked so cute! He ran a hand down my side causing me to shudder under him. He checked my core, rubbing a bit there, making sure I was ready. With a slow movement he entered me. This was a total flip around from before. This was making love. This was perfect. Plus I didn't think I could handle another rough bit right now. His elbows rested near my shoulders keeping him at an angle to look in my eyes.

"You are my mate. I will love you till the heavens fall and reshape themselves." He kissed my cheek. "We will be bonded heart, mind, and soul." He paused to kiss my jawline. "We will spend eternity searching for the other, never complete till we find the other." With those words I found heaven, shooting into the stars, either with his words or finding my completion or both. The feel of his canines entering my skin seemed to spiral me from the one plateau to the next. Till I was screaming his name.

I came back to earth slowly, feeling him still moving slow inside. I looked at him questioningly and he lifted a hand to point at his own neck. I nodded and he rolled us till I sat astride him. Causing a deeper movement that had me throwing my head back. Just like that I knew I was ready for him again. My body moved on him as slowly as his had moved on mine.

"You are my mate." I grabbed his face in my hands, forcing eye contact. I wanted to see his eyes. "I will love you till the heavens fall and reshape themselves." I lost the rest of the vow like words, but Snow was quick to help. I could see her, with Blaze in my head, and I knew she was having a grand a time as me. My canines grew in my mouth, heavy and full. "We will be bonded heart, mind, and soul. We will spend eternity searching for the other, never complete till we find the other." I watched Damon's eyes glow amber and I wondered if mine did that. I kissed at his neck , licking here and there till I found where I wanted to put my mark. When I did, I bit him. I bit him till I tasted his sweet blood in my mouth, pulling gently till I heard Damon shout his own release. Ater he and I both calmed, I released him, licking his neck free of a drop of blood.

We laid there, our wolves and ourselves, full of each other, sated, and happy. Gently, sleep pulled us both under wrapped around each other.

{Yea! They finally bonded! You should probably thank me....I almost ended it at the R Rated chapter. I almost put the marking ceremony in the R rated chapter. Then I decided you all would probably kill me if I did. So I came back and wrote some more into this chapter. Thank @Catanne85 for that as well. She told me to wait to post till I had the naughty chapter done. So thank you! Which is why this is dedicated to you my friend.}

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