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Erik and Charles going to go down the beach, they walked with their fingers intertwined. The sunset was reflecting on the sea and the moon showing above. The beach was warm and empty. If Erik had planned everything, Charles was soon become his and his alone. Erik needed Charles to be his . "This is very romantic Erik, the sun set and everything. Though, why? It's an odd timing." Charles went to put his hands up against his head to read Erik's mind but Erik pulled it down. "You'll find out in time, there's no need to do that." "Oh. ok." Charles smiled, making Erik a little nervous.

Erik turned to face Charles and said "Charles, you know I love you and you love me?" "Yeah, why?" "I'd like it to stay that way forever and even though we have our differences I don't want our last names to be one. So..." Erik pulled a ring out from his pocket and got down on one knee, he made the ring float above his hand so Charles could accept. "I really fucking love you...Will you marry me Charles?"  Charles didn't know what to say. Of course he wanted to say yes but his mouth was dry and he couldn't for any words. "Charles?" Erik asked, his smiled fading a little. Charles jumped onto Erik and said "YES!" He was crying as Erik put the ring on his finger. He looked at it and then kissed Erik, knocking him over onto the sand, he may have been small and weightless but he sure knew how to take Erik off guard. 

They were sitting on the sand, Charles still crying. "Please stop crying, I'm not sure if I've messed up or not and I'm scared." "N-No, I won't stop crying. But I know damn well you haven't messed up for proposing." They kissed again and then they headed back to the school.

The pupils all knew about Erik planning because Peter caught him fiddling with a ring and pacing back and forth, he also watching frantically shove it on his pocket when he could hear Charles walked down to him. 

They were all waiting in the hallway and when they saw Erik looking proud and Charles with dried tears down his face they all asked "So, what happened?" Charles showed them his hand and Erik said "I proposed." All you could hear from the pupils was Peter screaming "YESSSSS!!!" from the back of the crowd. "I KNEW I WASN'T WRONG!!" He started hitting the wall. "Yes." Charles chuckled and then Erik said "What happened that made you mine." "He's technically half mine too." There were unholy screeching noises coming from Peter as he yelled "YEEEESSSSSSS!!" As high pitched as he could. That reminded every student in a 100 mile radius not to get Peter excited. Kurt put duct tape over Peter's face and wrapped it around multiple times. He then walked through the crowd and passed him to Erik. "I believe this demonic screecher is yours." Erik chuckled and everyone went back to either night studying or bed. Peter was smiling and Charles took the duct tape off of him slowly trying not to rip his hair out. 

"Imma have two dads, yay." Was what Peter was whispering to himself. "More like a mum and a dad." Raven said. "Hey Raven." "Hey older brother." "Why do you still refer to me as that?" "Just to remind you that even if you get married you aren't escaping me." Charles chuckled and said "We'll see about that." "I'm serious Charles. You won't escape me." When Charles finally got the last of the tape off of Peter he ruffled his hair. "Now sleep." "Yeah whatever. I'll go play video games." "No, You'll sleep." Charles said as he put his fingers to his head. "Ok, I'll sleep." Peter went up to his room and slept. 

"God you are like a mother aren't you?" Erik said. "Well someone has to be." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Everyone else here is usually reckless." "Hey, I'm not reckless!" Raven said. Charles glared at her and said "You sure about that? I'm pretty certain you were the one jumping off of the roof into a pool saying take that Peter I'm cooler." "Yeah well...fuck. I'm sure you've done something reckless too Charles." "Name on thing." Raven sat thinking for 3 minutes and then said "You

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2019 ⏰

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