Shower rooms

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Hero's POV

"You need to be quiet." My roommate mutters into his girlfriend ear while he moves on top of her. I cringe at the heavy breathing and pants that keep coming from them. I try to force out the sounds by covering my ears but also trying to act like asleep which is a difficult task when your trying to do both at once. A few minutes of moaning and groaning pass by and the both of them seem to already be asleep. I roll over so that I can look to make sure. Both of them are sprawled across each other, chests heaving.

I quickly lean over and grab my phone. I triple check that I've set my alarm clock, I'm a nervous person so I constantly worry about things being the way that they should be. I stare up at the roof and watch as the fan spins around. It lets off a dull sound that is almost calming. I turn back over again and force my eyes closed. Just minutes later I'm asleep again.

Josephine's POV

I'm still half asleep when something gets thrown at me, something soft but the impact was hard. "What the fuck!" I shout out while grabbing my head. My eyes flick open and shay is stood by the side of my bed with a stiff pillow. "Your alarm was annoying me and you wasn't turning it off." She smiled sarcastically at me before stepping back into her own bed. "Do you always wake people up by whacking them with a pillow?" I question her, not caring for the answer but just wanting to make some small talk so that I know at least one person in this place.

I pull my brush through my hair while looking at myself in the reflection of the mirror. My hair is a mess and my mascara from last night is smudged under my eyes. I'm going to have to buy some make up wipes because I sure as hell don't want to take a trip to the public bathroom every night. Talking about bathrooms I really need to go for a pee. "Hey, do you know where the bathrooms are?" I ask shay and she peers up from the same book as last night. She explains to me where they are, dragging on the directions way longer than they could have been but I don't complain. "Do you want me to come with you?" She asks me and I consider her coming with me but outrule it since I want to try and find myself around here anyway. "I'm good thanks. I'll probably take a while since I'm gonna shower too." I tell her and she just nods.

I grab my clothes that I messily threw on my bed and leave the room not saying another word to shay. I noticed that Emma wasn't in her bed this morning. She was probably either still with her boyfriend or has an ridiculously early alarm clock set so she can get to the bathroom before everyone else, which now I think about it makes sense. The hallways aren't too busy which is good but I want to check my phone so I know the time but I left it in my room. I don't think it's that late in the morning.

I turn around the corner that shay instructed me to and see two doors that are a decent part away from one another. One has a sketching of a stick person wearing a dress and having long hair and the other has another stick person but with no clothes on and stupidly short hair. That fits London boys pretty well I guess. A group of boys are gathered around the outside of the bathroom, groups of laugher boom of the walls and I glare at the group of them. Oblivious to me or it seems anyone else.

I make my way through the narrowed hallway leading to the bathroom and push the strap of my top down my shoulder. Multiple girls are walking around naked, with towels wrapped around there small torsos. How are they comfortable walking around like this? Things are so much different here compared to Australia, we had our own bathrooms, small but we had our own.

I silently thank god when I see that there is shower curtains.

Once I'm back in my dorm room I blow dry my hair whilst having a running commentary of shay explaining to me the rules of the college that I already knew but didn't have the heart to tell her. She gives me a run through the classes I have assigned. Thankfully she's in all of my lessons, I can't lie that I'm glad that she's in my lessons and that I know at least one person so far.

It's a Sunday now so tomorrow I unfortunately have to go to class.

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