First meetings

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Josephine's POV

The lights are bright above me and multiple bodies brush against mine and I force my way through the crowds of people. I follow the woman guiding me, she glances behind her and makes sure that I'm still following her. "Sorry that it's so busy, everyone is getting to the classes. You came kind of late." I ignore the bitchy tone in her voice that appeared at the end of her sentence. "I'll show you your room and then you can just find your way around if you want?" I just nod at her instead of speaking. I'm pretty sure I've almost lost my voice from screaming at my mom this morning. I wasn't a fan of the idea of going to college, let alone college in a whole other country. Basically the other side of the world.

We make our way through a narrow hallway with too many doors to count. "Did you get told that you will have two roomates?" She tilts her head slightly to glance at me while walking. I nod again. She huffs at my lack of conversation but doesn't complain to me. "So, this is your room." She drags out the O as she talks. "All the way up here? How am I meant to remember?" I ask her and she pulls out a folded over piece of paper. "It's a map." She smiles at me. "I made it specially for you, you joined at a weird time of the school year so they didn't have any of the leaflet guides left over." She explains to me but I drown her voice out until she stops talking.

"You're mom mentioned that she would be dropping your stuff off tomorrow, most of the dorm is already furnitured  so it's just your own stuff that you need to add." She says as she pushes open the door. "These are your new roommates!" She says cheerfully while pointing over to one girl. She's sat cross legged on her small bed. There are tiny fairy lights hanging up. She has light pink bed sheets with matching pink pillow cases. She has multiple plumped up pillows lay out at the top of the bed. I glance around the large room.

There is another girl lay back on her bed with her head buried in a book. Her bedsheets are a dark shade of gray almost black. She doesn't have many decorations and her closet door is open, it's a small closet that is full to the brim with gray and black clothes. She peers up from her book and watches me as I take a step in. The other girl smiles at me whilst waving. The two seem like complete opposites and I wonder how the almost gothic like girl deals with her.

"I'll leave you lot to it." The girl smiles once more before quietly shutting the door behind her. The room becomes almost silent before the girl wearing all black stands up from her bed and walks over to me. "Shay." She has a thick British accent that I didn't expect to be so strong. "Josephine, but you can call me Jo." She shows a small smile, the first time I've seen her smile yet actually. "I'm Emma." The other girl has a high pitched voice that doesn't sound that British. "Jo." I mumble and walk over to my plain bed.

I plop down on the highly platformed bed and look up to see shays eyes still on me. "You aren't from here." She says while cocking her head to the side. "Stating the obvious I see." I rely to her while I empty out two of the large suitcases I was carrying with me. "New Zealand?" She questions whilst crossing her legs and resting her chin on the palm of her hand. "Australia." I tell her and her face lights up. "I always wanted a friend from Australia, are you staying here for long?" She asks me and I nod. "Seems like it. My parents thought it would be a good idea to have a fresh start." I explain to her whilst gathering my toiletries and emptying them into a small drawer.

"What main subjects are you taking?" She grabs the wad of paper off my bed and flicks through it to find one. "So your an arty kid. I wouldn't expect that." She smirks while putting it back where it was. "Hm." She stops talking now and goes back to reading her book.
I decide to waste a few hours by sorting out my room with the things that I managed to bring with me today. It isn't much, just some necessities and a week or so worth's of clothes.

It's now a few hours later and I haven't spoken much to either of the girls. I've been messaging my friends back home for the past two hours or so. It's almost 10 now and Emma's been rushing around the room for the past 5 minutes getting dressed and brushing her hair. "Who knew you went out after 9" I mock her and she glares at me. I know I'm judging her off her prissy look but she doesn't seem the type to be going out past 9 honestly. "For your information I'm going to go meet my boyfriend." She says while her hands are above her head tightening her bleach blonde hair into a light pink scrunchie. I take my eyes off of her and reply to Oliver, my boyfriend.

"Nobody asked where you was going." I shoot back at her and I see her roll her eyes out of the corner of my eye. I ignore it and continue typing my message back to him. It's way earlier than I would normally go to sleep at but today has been exhausting and I want to try and find my way through this place tomorrow so I want to have a decent sleep. "You're going to sleep already?" Shay asks me as I turn my phone off and roll over onto my side. I explain to her why I'm sleeping so early and she doesn't speak to me again.

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