4: Friendly date

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Siddharth's POV

She was finally mine now, she was dangling from my arms as I walked through the corridor, room after room. There were sounds coming from in there, moans, bed creaks, screams. I smirked, knowing that would be me in a few minutes. Aroma of alcohol didn't bother me one bit.

I got one room and laid her down on bed, her hair was framing her face perfectly, her cheeks were rosy pink, her lips plump, innocence dripping from every inch of her face. I moved to her and sat on the bed, I tucked a stray strand away, her skin soft beneath my monstrous touch. I felt my heart drop but I ignored it and stood up I grabbed my belt and started undoing it but something stopped me again.

Her angelic appearance, she was so pure. I shook my head again and started searching for her zipper. As soon as I touched her she turned and hugged my arm, clutching onto it as if it's protecting her from any harm. I jerked my arm away because it wasn't protecting her, it was about to harm her modesty and was about to ruin her. Some weird feeling flooded me, sweat formed on my forehead and I started losing my breath my heart started racing. I left her there and rushed out of the room, I wiped sweat and loosened my tie for breath, I didn't know when I messed my hair. What was I about to do?

I went out, plan was simple pretend like nothing affected you and enjoy the party. I received some suspicious and shocked expression.

"Done?!"Rits exclaimed with a confused expression on her face

"I didn't "I replied ignoring any sort of eye contact, my neck twitched I massaged it and looked directly at floor. Stupid sweat beads dripped.

"Why?" Rits asked she looked shocked I knew she was observing my behavior so I tried to compose myself.

"Not in the mood" I replied gulping the beer the bartender had just brought.

"Or you have feelings for her?" Bhavesh asked suspiciously.

"Nope I don't really have feelings" I faked a smirk which didn't quite reach my eyes

"Where is she?" Jannat asked, she was the only one who was relieved that I didn't do anything.

"Room, she is drunk asleep" I replied with a short smile which vanished immediately, I looked straight at the bottles.

"But why did you.. " I cut off Bhavesh.

"Enough of that topic. I really don't wanna talk about that anymore" I shouted slamming my hand on table shutting everyone up. Everyone left I kept drinking but couldn't get her out of my mind. She is a pure soul, simply mesmerizing, she is doing something to me and she's not even trying. I hate it.


Avneet's POV:

I woke up wearing the same dress like last night, I took in the surroundings, this room wasn't mine. Or or anyone I knew, where was I? I sat straight and a severe head ache hit me, I winced clutching onto my head. I looked around and freaked out when I saw Siddharth lying on the sofa smirking at me. A thousand thoughts hit me, what was he doing here? Why was he here? Omg what if he? Did he? I felt something wet on my cheek. A stray tear had leaked from my eye.

"Don't worry I didn't " he smirked and twitched his neck, relief hit me. I relaxed a little but tensed up again when I felt his continuous gaze on me.

"What happened last night? " I asked hesitantly.

"You drank angel" he smiled like a lunatic.

"Angel? "I asked nervously.

"Yupp your nothing less than an angel" he smirked. I forced a smile I didn't want any argument early morning and I didn't want to be in the hate list of this psychopath

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