Chapter Twenty-Six: PT.6 Time to get him back!

Start from the beginning

*Takes off hood*

Unknown: Recognize meee???

Ryan & Goldy: TINAAAA!!!!

Tina: Yess but no.

Ryan & Goldy give confused looks. What??

Controlled-Tina: You see, It's not her. I look like her and sound like her BUTT she isn't her.

Ryan & Goldy give confused looks again.

Controlled-Tina: Also, you see, She did a baddddd thing. so now i'm her!


Controlled-Tina:  Don't worry, she's fine. Unicorn too. He's under a spell. She's just locked away from herself.

_After a long conversation_

Ryan: Bring them back!!!

Controlled-Tina: NO! Not until i have finished what tina ever wanted!

Ryan: Wha-

ControlledTina: Not going to say. MOVING ONNN!!!!

Controlled-Tina: NUUUUUUUUUUU!!!

Ryan: What?

Controlled-Tina: She's trying to get contro-

Tina: Ryan!!! Get the crown off of mee!!!! find a way help!

ryan: TINA!?! OK!!!

Goldy: Ryan!!! What''d we do about Unicorn!?

Ryan: Try to break the spell!!! Talk to him or something! I have Tina!

Goldy: OK! 

_With Unicorn & Goldy_

Goldy: Hey bud! I know, you probably don't know me since your under a spell but-

Under-Spell_Unicorn: Goldy??

Goldy: You--

Unicorn: I'm not under the spell man. I've been pretending. This---Weird thing has Tina as you can see, ut they missed but i acted like i was under the spell.

Goldy: Wow. Your good. Anyways we NEED to get out of here!!

Unicorn: What about Tina?

Goldy: Ryan's figuring it out.

Unicorn: Ok. I can probably help.

Goldy: Ok.

NoBody's P.O.V

_So, after Unicorn & Goldy went back to Ryan. Unicorn asked if he can help and Ryan said ya. They eventually got the crown off of Tina and got her back. Unicorn quickly gets the crown to the Super~Hero headquarters. He then comes back and they all go to Unicorn and Goldy's house.  They all shared and got caught up with each other._

Here's a song that fits for Tina when she out the crown on.

 I might do a chapter about when she put it on and how she got it, E.T.C.

_End of the mystery_

A/N  Man you all basically guessed Tina.......I now know why...Because when Unknow said that i only want Ryan i guess that gave it away. 

Also, if any of you want to know, The potion she had Unicorn make 10 of was a Love potion for Ryan. 

@adventurouswolf3  , funny because in a comment they said this, 

@adventurouswolf3  , funny because in a comment they said this, 

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ANNNNNND it was exactly what i was doing!!!  WHAT A  GUESS!!!!

and then these peeps guessed Tina as well!

I hoped you all liked the little mystery!!!! I know it was ALL OF A SUDDEN!! But, i hoped you still enjoyed!!

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I hoped you all liked the little mystery!!!! I know it was ALL OF A SUDDEN!! But, i hoped you still enjoyed!!

Avenger on peeps!!!

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