Dude thats so lame!

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Bleh, sorry I'll try updating more and since I have some experience now, maybe it wont be as cringey now.
It was just another day in the manshion, the manshion in the wood....
Toby stared out the window and let out a yawn, 'Dang, we haven't had any missions lately, wonder whats up... I should probaby go see with Mr.Slenders....' He puckered his lips and pushed away from the window and mad his was to the office, at times he did feel a little nervous, but not scared! No.... No? Maybe a little.

Toby opened the door and look down, "U-uh, M-Mr- Mr! Slenderman! Uhm I-I was W-wo-wondering if I-I have any m-missions t-tha-that needed t-t-to be done?"

Slenderman looked up from his paperwork and nodded, "I have a mission for you Toby, and that requires you to kill a girl from a school, her name is Rebie Lastrone. So try your best to fit in at the school."

Toby gave a big smile and nodded and turned around running halfway out the door and stopped before turning around and heading in, "I-I f-for-forgot the f-fi-file." He said and took the file slenderman was holding and turned around booking it to his room to prepare.

"He's too cute...." Slenderman said to himself.

"What was that old man?" Jeff asked

"......" Slenderman slammed the door with his tentacle.

"Fucking weirdo" Jeff said and stalked away.

'I know where the prefect outfit is! But this requires stealth!' Toby thought and leaned against the wall and quietly made his way towards Maskys' room and entered quietly, he was thankful Masky was not there, he quietly closed the door behind him and let out a sigh and opened the closet door reaching towards the way back and took out a girls uniform, "eh... Why not try to be traditional" he said and left the room and went back into his room and grabbed a shirt and some underwear.

"Err..." He stared in the mirror embarrassed, "Have I always looked This way?" He blushed and ruffled his hair a little, "No way am I going out the door, I guess the window will do." He said and walked towards the window and opened it, 'The tree will give me leverage..' He crawled out and leaped onto the branch and crawled along the branch to grab the lower branches, as he was near to the ground he let go of the branch his skirt flying up and showing his black underwear, 'they say you can tell a girl by the color of your underwear' he thought was a cat grin as he landed.

Toby dusted off his skirt and looked up to see hoodie sitting infront of the tree...





"D-don't tell a-an-anyone!" Toby said and ran away embarassed his face was flamed.

Hoodie looked down and held his hand again his masked lips and blushed hard, "Fuck......" He said and looked back up and got up off the ground and followed him...

" He said and looked back up and got up off the ground and followed him

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Hoodie x Toby x MaskyWhere stories live. Discover now