Sammy Lawrence X Cat! Cartoon! Reader

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Welcome, everyone! GeishaFox5, here, and welcome to my first oneshot book! I'm sorry if this is very, very crappy, but I'll try my best. AS the title says, the requests are always open. Also this oneshot is for Doooooooooooodler.

*Reader's POV*

You hissed loudly at the crumpled sheet of music paper, annoyed at the fact that you're once amazing singing voice wasn't cooperating with you and ended up throwing your voice all over the place. It made you sound VERY off-tune, and boy did you hate that. Sighing, you decided to go take a break, but your heart said otherwise. You grabbed another sheet of paper (Song up above) and went back to the stage. Now your voice started cooperating, but you didn't realize that someone was watching and listening to your singing.

*Sammy's POV*

I watched the f/c (fur color) cat sing at their very best, and even after many years, it was gorgeous. I was hidden in the shadows, denying to go out and talk to the y/g (your gender, since this is gender neutral. X3) After they finished singing, they stepped down from the stage and I took this opportunity to go and finally talk to them. They seemed a bit startled at first when they noticed me (see what I did there? XD) but after a bit, they relaxed and actually opened up to me. We struck up in conversation for a while and became really good friends.

*A few years later, Reader's POV (Or no one's pov?)*

Sammy had you pinned against an ink covered couch, locked in a heated kiss, and left both of you in a blushing mess. "Sammy..." You breathed out, "are you... sure this is.... ok?" You said between breaths, your blush finally dimming out. Sammy got off of you and shrugged, helping you up and both of you sat on the couch calmly. In no time, you were asleep in his lap and he stroked your hair, making you purr softly. "I love you, my little sheep..." He whispered softly before falling asleep as well.

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