Story #1

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Describe a "first" (first apartment, first kiss, first time driving a car, first lie, etc). Include as many details as possible, being sure to include an aspect relating to each of the five senses.

(This first prompt was used twice. I'll give you both stories,  but in different chapters.)

The sunset was a vivid pink and orange mixture. It lit the sky and clouds. Waves crashed into the rocks that were out in the bay and rolled gently against the sand in front of us. The deep sea green flowed into white foam that came racing up to our feet before sliding back toward its source.

I looked over at him to see what thoughts his features would betray. His sandy blonde hair was swaying lightly with the slow breeze. His icy blue eyes were stunning as they reflected the sunset. His hands sat firmly on his hips, his shoulders pulled back, as he stared at the horizon. He seemed so peaceful, so comfortable...

I could hear the seagulls overhead, the waves on the ground, and the gentle sound of his steady breath in the quiet. As I stared up at him, he moved his gaze down to where my hand was hanging at my side before moving his arm.

I felt his palm slide against mine as he grasped my hand. He held it tightly, as though afraid that if he let go I would vanish. The moment would vanish.

His gaze shifted upward until it connected with my eyes, then back down slightly. My lips. His eyes were flickering between my gaze and my lips as he turned toward me and slowly leaned forward.

I could feel the heat of his body as he leaned in, the pushing and pulling of his breath. It took every ounce of will power for me to stand still and not shake. I could feel my own gaze slipping down to his lips. He paused for a moment, looking into my eyes, asking for permission without words.

Then suddenly, his lips were on my own. My eyelids fluttered closed as I moved my lips against his. I could smell his sweet, musky cologne mixing with the salty air. His lips were lush and soft, tasting of the honey flavored lip balm I had let him borrow.

I layed my palms against his chest as his hand slid round my waist, pulling me closer, as the other came up against the back of my neck, his fingers sliding on the back of my scalp.

His lips released mine as we each sucked in a much needed breath of air. It happened... our first kiss. I stood there with my eyes closed, not knowing what to say. I could hear him breathing heavily as he placed his forehead against my own. The heat of his skin was fire on mine. I could still feel his breath on my lips. Then I heard him whisper. His smooth, rich voice sounded as though someone had stolen his breath away. I did that. I stole his breath away. He repeated his whisper, stronger this time.

"I love you..."

~Fun fact. I haven't had my first kiss yet 😉

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