Break From Tour Pt. 4

Start from the beginning

I wait two seconds before yelling, "Andddd- cut!"
Shelby cuts the scene, and I jump from my chair to go and watch over the footage.

"This shot is a little shaky, but I'm pretty sure I can work with it," I mutter to myself.

I look over at Billie who was still in awe over our set. My school has a completely different building just for cinema. We were in our big green room today, with all of the props set up accordingly.

"Billie! Come look at this shot," I say.
She jumps up from her seat and runs over to the camera, looking into the screen, "Dude it's so cool! The shots a little shaky though..."

I laugh, "I know babe, I can fix it in editing."

I turn away from the camera to face all of the actors/backstage crew, "That's it for today guys! Great job!"

Everyone's starts to disperse as I take the sd card out of the camera, going to go import it onto the computer.
Mark follows me to my computer, still covered in fake blood. "You think I killed it y/n? I really think I improved on my death face."

I slowly nod, not taking my eyes off the computer, "Yes Mark, it was a great improvement. Not smiling while dead is always key."

"Yo, you were so good!" Billie says to Mark.

Billie and Mark get lost in conversation as I finish importing the video. I smile to myself, she's actually fitting in quite well.


     "Why are we eating lunch at 10:45? And what the hell is this?" Billie was holding up a spoon full of our mystery lunch of the day, face full of horror.

I laugh as she shoves her plate in front of her.

"No one ever eats the food babe, it sucks... and it's not vegan." I say, pulling out an apple from my bag for her, "We can go out for lunch after school."

She huffs, grabbing the apple, "So I've come to the conclusion that public schooling is okay..."
Alice comes and plops in the seat next to me, her lunch bag in hand, "Hey guys! How's your first day going Billie?"

Billie gives her a thumbs up, "It's all good, besides the food."

Alice shakes her salad before opening the container and taking a bite, "Ohhhh y/n, everyone's going to go crazy next period over Billie."
Next period was chorus, and can I say, everyone is absolutely addicted to her. Our chorus room has mini practice rooms that hold pianos in them, and let me say that you can hear everyone singing/playing her songs before class every single day. You can't enter the music building without seeing at least one piece of her merch. Sometimes, even Finneas.
"Wait, chorus is next period right?" Billie says as she sets down the apple core.

I nod, "Yes, and I'm just warning you that everyone absolutely adores you."

She laughs, "It's okay, I don't mind. I'm just really happy to be apart of chorus again."

Alice tries to explain to her the different pieces we have been working on. I start to zone off across the cafe and spot a group of girls eyeing us.
I narrow my eyes at them, watching their every move. I was expecting Billie to get haters, I'm surprised she hasn't gotten any until now. The girls came trotting over in a pack, and I take Billies hand in mine, scooting her closer to me.

"What's wrong?" She asks, leaning into my chest. The girls approach Billie, All smirking.
"Oh my goodness! Billie Eilish coming to our school? Crazy shit! Right girls?" Henna looks back at her group of girls, who can't help but snicker.

"Yea! It's so nice to meet you!" Billie says.

I try to keep her to sit, but she stands up and embraces Henna in a hug, grabbing onto her face with her hands, "How was your day?"

She pushes her hands away in disgust, "Ew don't touch me you depressed fuck. The only reason you're famous is because the depressed emo shits can't get enough of you. I'm surprised you haven't attempted to kill you self yet, with all that depressing music," she snaps.
Billies face grew cold as she stood there in front of her. I stood up, putting Billie behind me, "Get the fuck out of here Henna."

She laughs, "So now you want to act like some bad ass bitch?"

My whole body was shaking with rage. I was never one to confront, but this bitch was messing with my girlfriend. Everything happened so quickly, I could barely remember.

Henna kept taunting me, saying things about Billie, shoving my shoulder. I looked down at the ground, my hands curling up into fists. I could tell that Billie wanted to say something, but she couldn't. There were so many people surrounding us by now, filming. Billie might not be able to do things.. but I can. I quickly look up at her before punching her in the jaw.

Henna falls to the ground, complete shock written all over her face. I let out a breath that I never knew I was holding, wow did that feel good. Billie yanks my shoulder back, trying to get me away from the scene. I shake my head before grabbing my bag and quickly following her into the bathrooms.

"Y/n! What the hell!" She yells.

I sigh, putting my hair up in a bun. I don't say anything for a second, trying to calm my nerves.

I run my hands down my face in frustration, "I-I don't know Billie I was just so mad, I didn't even realize-" Billie shushes me by smashing her lips onto mine.

She pushes me up against the cold wall, her fingers getting lost in my hair. I couldn't help but smile, I can't believe I just punched that bitch.

Billie breaks the kiss, her lips still lingering dangerously close to mine, "That was hot as fuck."

I laugh, holding her face in my hands, "No one fucks with my baby."

She kisses me again, bitting down on my lip, "I love you."

I pull away so I can look into her eyes. She looked so pure, so beautiful. Her hair was a little messy from me, but damn she still looked so good. She smirked at me, bitting down on her lip a little.

I smile and pick her up while hugging her, "Billie I am so in love with you, it's not even funny."

She laughs, "Common, we should get to class."

We both exited the bathroom, hand in hand. The crowd had disappeared, and Henna wasn't anywhere near in sight. I smiled and kissed the top of her hand as we made our way into the music building.

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