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By the end of the day I figured out that all my teachers knew about me, guessing, because of how much they stared and looked at me weird. Max also had all my classes which was...a bit strange and cool in its own way.

Vern and Veronica were surprisingly behaved well today, Rose sat on the floor near me quiet as usual.

Max was...next to me, he worked on his work or listened to the teacher like me, but mostly kept his left arm resting on my chair, staring at me. Although I knew that this wasn't totally normal for my first day of school, I really wished he'd just wrapped his arm around me already.

"Alright everyone that's all for today-" The bell rings and everyone starts leaving, "Don't forget I want everyone to read chapters 3 and 4 before Friday!"

I packed my books and paperwork before looking for Max, he was standing by the door with a blank look but when I stood in front of him he seemed to snap out of it with a smile.

"Ready?" He gave me a huge smile.

"Where to?" I felt my cheeks get hot when Vern and Veronica started making kissing sounds. Max opened the door for me before walking to the parking lot.

"I was hoping I could still take you to a late lunch?"

"That sounds great." I smiled but it dropped when I saw moms car in the line of parents picking up, she was leaning on the passenger door with a book. "But we might need a rain check now that I think about it."

Mom lifted her head to tuck her hair but her eyes found me. So being her, she straightened her black sunglasses and dress suit before pulling a sign out with our last name. Oh God just kill me now please I beg of you.

Hearing Max chuckle made the situation so much worse, I should have just texted her that I was hanging out with some on. Wait- no then dad would have come and he would put the whole "You Can't Date My Daughter" act. Wait no we weren't dating, for bloody sake I just met the guy!

"Come on she's getting worried, I want to ask her something anyway." Max said in my ear, why does it have to be sensitive now?! He dragged me by my wrist almost tangling our fingers together.

"Mr. Fern your father sought it important that I pick you up from school. And this gentleman is?" My mother said, I swear sometimes I'm positive they have a mental problem then me.

"Hello my name is Maximilian Host, are you Mrs. Fern by chance?"

Mom looked Max up and down like she scanned him with an unamused look. "Yes, I am. Are you a friend of Mr. Fern?"

"Mom we get it, you can stop now." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

She narrowed her eyes in a sideways glance my way. So you want to play that game? Alright, game on!

'Rose I need your help.'

'On it boss!'

I felt Rose disappear near the front of my head, making me have Roses girly facial expression and things she would do. Rose was shy, I personally wasn't, I just preferred to keep to myself. Rose was sweet, I was like any other quiet guy. You knew when someone took over because I was no longer me, I was different.

"M-mom?" Again she's shy so naturally she stutters.

Moms eyes immediately went to Rose. her body still facing Max.

"Um Max is a friend a-and wanted to get something to eat, so can we go?"

"I wanted to ask as well if I could take you both out to a late lunch. If that's alright." Max said, he glanced down at me questionably, probably wondering what's wrong.

"Well I- well-" Mom flushed, "That's- ahm- That would be lovely, thank you."

"Great! Would you like me to follow you? So you can pick or Ollie you can pick."

Rose was going to correct him but I forced her back for a second to reply that mom can pick and gave her a look.

She smiled, "Alright, how does Pizza sound?"

Rose nodded smiling, Max gave mom a big smile too.

"I'll follow you." Max looked at me in question. "Do you want to ride with me?"

Rose nodded.

And we were off.



Please ignore that I just put everything in the middle. I thought my other chapters were like this but I went back, they're not...my fingers hurt so I'm just going to leave it.

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