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Harris doesn't dislike school unlike everyone else. He finds learning enjoyable, his social life is good, teachers can't seem to get enough of him but he's never really happy. He turned heads the first day he came a few years ago. Straight outta Britain everyone seemed infatuated with the accent and culture. It was a change and he was coping but he didn't mind the attention.
He's chilling at the front gates with his friends when everyone stops talking and starts looking. He wonders what the big fuss until he sees a new girl pull up. She looks lost but her car fits right in. Oh maybe this was the girl he was supposed to show around so he approaches the car.
"Hey what's your name."
"Casey." She responds dryly looking bored at his shoes.
"Oh cool! I'm Harris Thomas. I'm pretty sure i'm supposed to show you around."
"That's ok i'll just go to the main office."
"Oh" he says kind of hurt "Do you want me to show you where that is." but before he could even finish she was already out and walking with purpose.
He goes back to his friends and mentions how weird she was. It was not fun considering he was never rejected from a girl before.
Soon enough the bell rang meaning its time for his first period, ap chemistry. He slowly makes his way and eventually arrives. He takes
his seat when the teacher begins.
"Class today we have a new student joining us!"
Looking mortified Casey heads to the back of the classroom not even looking who she sits next to.
"Find the office okay?"
She looks up and they make eye contact. "yes."
And they leave it at that for the rest of the period Harris knowing when to take a hint. Still every once in a while he glanced at her curious.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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