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Casey loaded the boxes tears streaming down her face. Another year another town except this one was different. No more kids like her this time her mom got a rich boyfriend which means sassy self centered snobs.
She takes the boxes from the trunk and looks at her home or better yet mansion. The unfamiliar site seems unreal like a scene from a movie she didn't want to watch. But here she was main actress in her life that was more like a nightmare than reality.
"Wipe that frown off your face you're going to have everything you dream of."
She turns around to see her mom holding her hand of Steve. Steve didn't care if i was happy. Steve only pretended in front of mom. 'How worse could it really get?' she wonders.
"Uh where's my room again?"
"The maid will show you." Casey follows the maid up the luxury stairs to the room at the end of the hall. The room was a clear comparison to the living room as it was made for rich guest not teenagers. She drops a box down on the floor and flops onto the queen sized bed. Slowly her eye started closing and her mind drifting away. Tomorrow was her day of Rivington Prep. How would she survive she doesn't know but that's a problem for future Casey.
Birds chirping and harsh sunlights fills her eyes way too early. She drags herself from the bed and to the bathroom. Bed head. Great! She tries her best to tame it and make her face presentable. Either way she wasn't gonna watch it wearing channel. She puts on her favorite hoodie and converse hair covering her face too unruly to style it.
She grabs her metro card to take the city bus not even knowing where the school was but was immediately stopped by Steve. Steve tells her that he doesn't want her to spoil his reputation and then proceeds to hand her keys to the lambo.
'Well I guess' She thinks. She goes to the garage and sees the new looking car. Getting in the driver seat fills her with adrenaline. She totally knew how to drive. She sets off and a few wrong turns later she finds her self pulling up to the school parking lot eyes like eagle staring at her. Students and teachers alike couldn't stop thinking who this knew girl was.

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