East (3)

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(Fun fact: Jeremy Renner and RDJ are the same height. Tony Stark is taller then Clint Barton. I think this is beautiful and so when I refer to Tony as taller now you know) (another fun fact: Clint Barton joined the avengers with Quicksilver and Scarlet witch (he attempted to date her), so from a comic book stance hawksilver is perfectly logical. The issue comes when it is MCU based.)

Clint Barton was laying on the couch with a Tony Stark next to him. Tony was asleep which was sort of weird, Tony was sleeping a lot recently and usually he never slept. It was worrisome to say the least, along with the strange symbols on Tony's arm. Clint craned his neck further to try and see them. There was two now, one resembled a snowflake, the other looked like some form of flower. They were very light and looked as though he had just put his arm on a stamp of something for too long, that sort of redish pale pressed flesh thing. If Clint hadn't been sitting her for over an hour he would have believed that Tony had just awkwardly laid on these circle symbols, but he had been sitting here for over an hour and they weren't getting lighter.

Tony groaned softly in his sleep and mumbled incoherent words. Clint smiles softly at the genius, he didn't look peaceful exactly but he didn't look exhausted and hopeless. As Clint finally started to relax and leaned back into the couch the brunette sat straight up. Clint jumped and Tony looked embarrassed. "Sorry," he mumbled getting up.

"You look awful," Clint said tentatively grabbing the shorter man's wrist. "Go back to sleep."

Tony looked into the blue eyes of the shorter man. He searched for any sign of a trap. "I've got work to do with Pepper," he whispers half heartedly and wrenches his hand from Clint. Tony walked out of the door and drove to the museum. He actually had no clue where he was going but that is where he ended up. He walked through the exhibits and paused at the ancient Egypt wing. He sighs looking at the blueprints of several pyramids, some were better then others.

"Beautiful yes?" Tony twisted around to see a dark skinned man in a smart suit. He looked at Tony who nodded slightly. "I've always enjoyed the classics, especially the pyramids."

"I've seen better," Tony said causing the man to raise an eyebrow. "Honestly for the time it is impressive."

The man smiles and lets out a laugh. "Oh, are you some sort of expert then?"

"Why yes I am," Tony said smirking. The two talk about ancient engineering verses modern engineering for a few hours while wandering through the other historical wings.

"Thanks for talking with me," the man, Tony never caught his name, said with a sigh. "It isn't often people are willing to speak about both sides."

"It was my pleasure." Tony waves as the man leaves in his car. He said something that Tony wasn't quite able to hear, it looked like something very familiar though. Thinking about it hurt his head and a wave of tiredness washed over him suddenly, he subconsciously rubbed his arm and collapsed into a bench. He would just sit here for a minute.

True credit for this story should go to @NeptuneEmpire they are a fantastic writer and if you like my stuff you will love theirs. They are the one that got me to start writing on here through a bet and I technically stole the idea for this story from NeptuneEmpire. 

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