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      Tony sighed as he was woken up. The sun was bright and so was Steve's fake smile. "Tony! Is is noon," he said in front of the open curtains. Tony groaned and rolled over. Steve frowned letting his true emotions show, he yanked the blanket off. "Tony! I get you aren't a soldier but this is past funny," he spat wrestling the blanket out of Tony's death grip. "Besides, you were in charge of lunch today. Get up and apologize to Clint."

Tony groaned some unkind things as Steve left, he did get up but he still felt terrible. He took a quick shower and changed before going downstairs. "Look who has graced us with their presence," Nat teased form the counter before her face dropped seeing his. "Tony you look like shit." There was genuine concern in her voice but Tony decided it was too early for that.

"Thanks," he deadpanned while on his way to make coffee. He yawned as his lifeblood started to deposit in the pot. "Coffee, how anyone lives without you is beyond me."

"Me too." Clint was suddenly next to Tony which made him jump. He looked at the blond bewildered before quickly getting over it. "I made you a sandwich," Clint says setting it next to him. "And Cap says that since I did your lunch day you get my laundry day." Tony just sighs.

He grabbed a mug and poured the coffee into it. "I'm going out," he mumbled, not waiting for a response he left. Clint watched him go wondering about that mark on his arm. Had it always been there? Clint was 89.983% sure it wasn't there yesterday morning.

The day was bright, too bright for Tony's taste but nice nonetheless. He drove with the top down while he tried to wake up. He felt like he hadn't slept in a week even though he slept over twelve hours. There was a screech of metal on metal then metal on road as he slammed on his brakes then swerved, some jackass pulled right in front of him. Honestly he wanted to honk and curse but what good would that do? He just rested his head on the wheel for half a second that turned in to five minutes. He stayed on the shoulder of the road for a while he rethought his life decisions.

"Hello? Mister," a woman said from the side of the car. Her face was scrunched up and she looked pale against her dark hair. Tony sat up and looked at her, his head pounded slowly. "If It isn't too much trouble could you drop me off at the airport?"

Tony nodded. "Get in, luggage can go in the back." The woman didn't have any luggage but Tony was beyond caring at this point, worst comes to worst she would murder him and his headache would be gone. 'Oh my gosh,' he thought. 'I finally understand Peter's humor.'

Tony drove the strange girl to the airport, she was going west to escape her sister or something. Tony waved her goodbye and gave her three hundred dollars. "Thank you," the woman said with tears in her eyes. "Your kindness will be repaid."

Tony finds that slightly odd. Isn't that what the redhead had said? He sighed, wished her luck, then left.

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