Chapter 3: The Encounter

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A couple days had gone by and Brandon finally got all the courage to go back to Spanish Harlem for Selanda.

He couldn't stop thinking about her and the fact of him never seeing her again was bothering him.

He went into the mini bodega to get himself some gum. He grabbed it and got into line. He was caught up in his blackberry going through buisness emails.

"You know my mother is right she told me guys like ju...all yall be doing is workin." Said that familiar voice and accent.

He looked up and smiled.

"Well sorry but your mothers wrong, how are you?" he asked sincerely.

"You know I ment to call you about the sushi." he said knowing exactly what he was doing.

"How if you don't even have my number tho?" she asked placing her stuff infront of the man behind the desk.

"She's not getting that." he said referring to the junk food all over the counter.

"What? why?" she asked confused.

"Cause your getting sushi with me remember..."

The man behind the register rose an eyebrow at the awkward Scene unfolding in front of him.

"es que el hombre que te molesta?" He asked looking straight at Selanda.

"No." she said smiling at Brandon.

They both left.

"Hey lemme tell you something I don't do this often."

"Why are you making it seem like we're going over the exchange of sex for money. It's just sushi."

She chuckled.

"Ju real funny." she said in her thick accent. Brandon could tell she was self conscious on how she spoke and acted around him.

She was too, the way Brandon acted so cultivated it made her kinda lower herself.

Brandon reached over the table and touched her hand. "Selanda be yourself, I don't care about all of that external stuff."

She understood but still held back a little.

"So exactly like wha do chu do like?"

"I work in Wall Street Im basically in a business firm."

"Cool..." she said looking at her drink.

Although they had just met they were feeling each other and wanted to see more of each other.

"Would you like to see more of me? I think this is going well."

"Yeah, actually I wouldn't mind you better than Rico."

He sat up still chewing the sea wrap.


"Yeah this mothafuka dat be sweating me." she quickly covered her mouth.

"It's alright." Brandon thought smirking about how he would on night punish her for that foul mouth.

"I don't know how you can eat that." she said referring to the sea wrapped sushi.

"I don't like it to be honest but everyone in my community thinks it's amazing so I go along with it." he said dropping the chopsticks.

"Oh so basically chu a follower.."

"No, not like that I just...yes for this occasion."

"Hm it's alright I guess I mean we all fall into dah crowd something like that."

"Yes indeed we do, ready to go?" he asked looking down at his blackberry.

"Mhmm." she said flipping her wavy Puerto Rican hair over her shoulder showing her deep increased dimples.

Brandon reached down into his pocket and pulled out a fifty dollar bill and got up.

"I'll walk you home.."

"Okay, this was really nice of you honestly."

Brandon chuckled while rubbing his chin. "You make it seem like charity I'm trying to Pursue you, no need for the 'that was nice'."

Stunned Selanda stared at him.

"Me? you trying to pursue me? why?"

"Don't worry bout it lets go." he said holding out his arm.

He was dressed in a nice Armani suit with a lavender tie while Selanda was wearing baggy black sweat pants and a red shirt under her pull over to match her retro 11's

They got looks walking back to her house but they didn't notice.

Selanda hugged him goodbye making sure to get his number than walked up the stoop into her apartment building.

She walked through the piss smelled halls and into her home.

"Selanda! dónde coño has estado?" Her mother yelled.

"Oh my gosh." she whispered under her breath in annoyance.

"Huh? huh? over Rico letting him feel on you??" she said getting closer and more loud.

"Since when did you want to know where all of us was? hmm como lo está usted en"

"Excuse me!" now Selandas mother was twice her age and still thought it would be fun to act like a mom wherever the feeling came over her.

The bleached curls flopping every where and the long white tipped acrylic nails all in her face.

"Yea mami like keep dat shit consistent." she said walkin away and into the room she shared with siblings.

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