c.s.y - closer

En başından başla

Liana hesitated to leave but after assuring her that everything is alright, she proceed to her rehearsal.

"You have to call me!" she waved before dissapearing into the hallway.

I'll be fine.

This is how it usually goes anyway.

After the seminar ended, I jogged towards the entrance, looking left and right, searching for the plat number that Seungyoun sent me.

"Ah there it is"

"I thought you weren't coming?" I asked the person in the driver seat, buckling my seatbelt.

The corner of his lips turned up,"Dissapointed?"

I shook my head vigorously,"No not at all. I thought you were burried in work so I was going to take the lunch to you"

"You don't even know where I work at"

"I can ask Mrs. Cho"

"You don't have her number"

"I can ask my aunt"

"You can't just get in without an ID"

"Well, there must be a way for the guest to enter" before I knew it my pitch went few notes higher.

He let out a small laugh,"You won't be able to see me unless you have an appointment or invitation"

"I can leave the lunch box in the reception"

The red light flashed on the street before he pulled the break,"And you're not even going to see me?"

"I mean you're bus- wait what?" I turned my head to him, only to find his teasing grin.

Wanting to say a word or two, but my heart says no. I opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out of it.

"I mean- you are not just someone who I can meet wherever I want or talk whenever I want. You are an important person, that much I know" I looked away, gripping my seatbelt.

He smiled a little before making a right turn, probably the last until we reached his office.

"Welcome back, Mr. Cho" the receptionist elegantly greeted him, clearly looking older than I'am.

I mean I'm just a university student.

I bowed to greet her, then proceed to glance towards Seungyoun with so many questions in my head.

Am i going to just- give him the lunchbox and go?

Do I go or do I stay?

What am I doing here?

Seungyoun quickly noticed me fidgeting on my spot,"Give her the VIP pass"

Clearly, there hasn't been that many VIPs, judging from the looks of her face, but she handed me the card anyway.

After swiping the card, I followed him to another room, where he probably works in.

cho seungyoun - stranger loverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin