House Of Hades #4 in the Heroes Of Olympus series

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OK this is my first fanfic so please bear with me, all rights go to Rick RIordan, the amazing author of this spectacular series which we have all fallen in love with!! WARNING, WARNING, SPOILER ALERT, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE MARK OF ATHENA,

The seven Demi-gods have been split apart, Percy and Annabeth are free falling to tartarus, Jason is trying to hold together a depressed and broken team of demi-gods which now include Nico, which they rescued from the twin giants, who Jason and Percy defeated with the help from Bacchus, Or Dionysus in greek form,  the seven saved the statue of Athena which has been hidden for centuries in Roman territory and last but not least Nico has to take them to the doors of death in Epirus with Gaia trying to thwart there every move, mean while Annabeth and Percy must find the doors of death in Tartarus. 


 Percy I

He was holding her hands like he was holding on for dear life, which in these circumstances, he probably was. All he could see around him was a looming darkness, and feel the rushing wind pulsating around him as he fell. He could feel Annabeths pulse vibrating through her wrists and hear her quietly sobbing into the looming darkness. He wrapped his arms protectively around her waiting for that moment when they would hit something promising himself he wouldnt let her get hurt in the fall. 

We collided into something with prickly fur, or actually i collided into it with Annabeth colliding into me.

"Jeez thanks" i managed to wheeze out,

" Oh my gods Percy, I'm so sorry" she sobbed into my shirt,

 "Hey, hey, its going to be fine, we can make it though this, me and you, like always, im not going to let anything happen to you"

 " Percy, I.. i... i love you"

I froze, my muscles tensing, Annabeth must of felt it because she looked up from where her head was resting on my heart, the silent tears still streaming down her beautiful face. I was just standing there trying to comprehend what she had just said, my brain had frozen over as those 3 words were bouncing around my skull like pingpongs balls getting hit between two Ares kids. I finally unfroze and looked her in the eyes with obvious joy because a slow smile started to play on her lips,

"Annabeth i l-"


Since i was looking at Annabeth, i noticed that from the Little of light from my sword that shone her her face, she had just visably paled even more which i thought was impossible.

"Ar... Arac...... Arachne" she managed to stutter out while she was clinging to me probably cracking a few ribs, I tried to imagine what she would of gone through the past couple of hours, Out-witting those lares, falling and breaking her ankle, being chased by psychopathic, hungry, crazed spiders through dark tunnels, weaving with unbelievable speed and skill, and finally facing a thousands of year old rivalry curse, i shuddered at the thought. I pulled her in the oppsite direction of where the sound had came from knowing that it wouldn't stay down for long and would most likely come for Annabeth, He pointed the Riptide in the general direction of Arachne.

"Stay where you Arachne, There's two of us and one of you!''

"Insy winsy spider, off to kill the demi-gods, Down came the spider and knocked the demigods out, up came the pinser and jabbed in the poisen, insy winsy spider, off to kill the demi-gods.

I could hear scuttling and i could tell Annabeth could too, her head was following the sound, it looked like she was watching a tennis match, her head going this way, then that, then she stopped and i notcied the scuttling had stopped as well, I looked around for Arachne. She was no where to be found.

"maybe she ran off" Annabeth meekly suggested

"mmmm" was mas my reply.

"so what do we do now?" I asked her

 "well.... Nico said the other side of the Doors of Death were in Epirus, so..... we head that way" she finished pointing away into the darkness.

" and how may i ask, do you know that?"

" its a statistically worked out answer" she said looking smug

" So you guessed? just like the time in the labyrinth I asked with some humor in my voice because this was reminding me exactlly from our time in the labyrinth.

" NO i did not guess, well not this time anyway...." she muttered

" so how do you know that's the right way?" i said pushing for an answer enjoying her looking uncomfortable at my questions

" well..... based on the way we fell and landed and now have moved, north should be that way, Because Epirus isn't actually a town or city, its a province shared between Greece and Albania, and it is between the pindus mountains lonian see" so recalled smoothly again looking smug

" so we go this way because north is that way???" 

"yep" she replied 

"fine lets go." 


Sorry guys that is was boring, but i needed to start off somehow, next Pove is gunna be jason and if you didnt know, there is only going to be 4 povs in the real book by rick riordan my 4 are Percy Annabeth Jason and Hazel,

I welcome constructive help, but please not haters comments, :) thanks 

House Of Hades #4 in the Heroes Of Olympus seriesWhere stories live. Discover now