"I'm doing this for us! Imma make sure y'all forever straight!" I yelled back while she kept shaking her head

"I'm your mother I'm supposed to make sure your always good not the other way around Xavier."

She sat down rubbing her head. I walked over sitting next to her.

"Moms and you did that all my eighteen years I been here now it's my time to make sure y'all good while you focus on granny."

"I just don't want you to end up like ya daddy."

"And I won't, I'm safe I got me plus he making sure I'm good." She sighed nodding her head grabbing my hand

"I don't like this because your my baby but I can't act like I didn't see your father do the same just be careful and stay focused Xavier." I kissed her cheek

"I got you moma just make sure my granny straight while I take care of us." She nodded getting up heading to her room.

I sat there for a good hour just thinking before I grabbed my keys heading out the house

I knew Anaja was the only person who was gone make me feel better or talk some since in my head right now.

I pulled up to her house getting out the car.

I went to knock but her moma was coming out the house.

"GoodMorning." She said hugging me as I hugged her back.


"She probably in there sleep once she get up let her know I went to work."

She said walking to her while I nodded going in the house closing the door and locking it.

I walked up the stairs going in her to room seeing her sprawled out over the bed with her mouth wide open slob coming out

I took a picture of her laughing then putting my phone down taking off my clothes leaving my shorts on.

I grabbed the remote then picked her up putting her on the other side of the bed while I got under the cover.

She turned over looking at me before wrapping her arms around my waist laying down

"What's wrong?" She asked with her head on my chest while I rubbed her scalp finding a movie to watch on Netflix

"I feel like I'm letting her down." I told her clicking on a random movie.

"But you've been in the streets Z." She said looking at the tv

"I know I'm in them heavier now though so she scared cause of what happened with my pops." She sat up looking at me.

"Yea y'all doing the same thing but your doing what you have to do he did it because that's all he knew your not gonna be in this your whole life only until shit comes back together and your fine I worry about you but I know your smart and gonna make sure you come back home to us."

I pulled her into me kissing her forehead before mumbling

"I love you bro." She nodded.

"I love you more and you'll be good." She said laying back down.

"Naja Imma be back bro chill." I told her sitting on the bed putting on my shoes. She rolled her eyes crossing her arms

"I don't see why you gotta go with the guys anyway you was just with them this morning." I grabbed my phone standing up

"Bra chill out imma be back over here tonight plus I been with you every day." I scrunched yo my face looking at her

She cocked her head to the side. "And? If I wanna be with you then I do. But it's fine go with yo boys."

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