"If you want me to, I can. But I wouldn't be available all the time, you know?" You shrug and look at him. He smiles at you.

"Well I really want you to now that I really think about it, we could spend more time together. And, you could get a job you like. Right?" He sighs. "But only if you really want to."

"I want to but it's not like it'd be an actual job, Asher." You laugh a little. "But i'd love spending all that time with you, even if we spend a lot already when we're together."

Asher chuckles. "I mean, who said it couldn't be an actual job. No one said I couldn't pay you."

"You don't have to do that, I don't want your money." You smile. "Just you and your time with me is enough."

"Well you'd be doing something you'd love, and I wouldn't want you spending extra time with me while working at a restaurant or something and having extra stuff to do. So why not just pay you?" He shrugs and smiles. "And, you know money's not that big of a deal for me. Not to sound spoiled or anything but you know, I'm famous and all that."

You laugh at Asher. "Yeah I know, but don't you think it'd be weird to, get paid by your best friend?"

"Nope, not at all. I just really want to work with you. And who knows (y/n)? Maybe you could help me out with other things too." He smiles.

"I don't know, I think I could. But I'd have to ask my parents too." You look up at him, he looks back at you and smiles again.

"So, will you think about it at least?" He asks hopingly. "But don't do it if you don't really want to, okay?"

"Yeah I'll think about it, I'll let you know as soon as I make up my mind." You smile.

"Yay!" He exclaims and hugs you, you hug him back. "Guess what? I love you." He says squeezing a little tighter, you laugh and blush a little.

"I love you too Asher. Would you be able to go a day without telling me that?" You ask jokingly. He lets go and laughs.

"Honestly, I don't think I could. Even if I actually tried." He sighs and looks up at the ceiling. "Why? Do I say it too much?" He asks concerned. You laugh again.

"No you're fine, just wondering." You smile and shake your head.

"Okay.All the pictures sent, I'll email them to you." He says happily and sends your favorite pictures to you, and prints other ones out after.

"I love these pictures so much, thank god we got someone to take these for us." You say as you scroll through all the pictures on your phone. Asher went and grabbed the ones from the printer and started cutting them out.

You were going to post the pictures on Instagram, you barely went on it eversince Asher gave his fans your username. You didn't mind him doing that, but you constantly got notifications, and it annoyed you sometimes. Then you got used to it after awhile.

You posted your three favorites. One with you both just smiling, the other with you two laughing for no reason, and the last one where you were both hugging eachother. The last was your absolute favorite. You captioned it "Forever your #1 fan <3".

"Ash, check Instagram." You look at him and smile.

"Okay hang on I'm cutting this last one." He says while finishing up. He grabs his phone, opening up Instagram and immediately smiles. "Aw, (y/n)." Asher blushes a little. "You're so sweet." He chuckles.

You were already getting more likes on your post than the average amount. And a whole bunch of comments like "I ship it." "You're so lucky." "You guys are cute." "Friendship goals." You laughed and smiled at all of them. Then you saw Asher's comments. "I'm sitting right next to u" "and I love u <33" You smile and look at Asher, he smiles back. Hundreds of people would always like Ashers comments, you thought it was cool having a famous best friend. You only had about 200 followers before too, and your account was private. But you got tired of all the requests and made it public. You've gained about 5,000 followers since Asher had posted about you.

"Asher, has anyone told you how perfect you are?" You look you up at him and smile. He chuckles.

"Has anyone told you how perfect YOU are?" He smiles. "You're absolutely perfect. Me? No." He says chuckling some more.

"Nope. All you, perfect boy." You say as you sit closer to him. He smiles and hugs you. You both sit and hug for a little bit, then end up cuddling. You both got up and started putting up more pictures on your wall.

"Wow, this looks good. I did a pretty great job." Asher says and laughs. You laugh along with him.

"I wanna add more pictures with you later on." You smile.

He smiles back. "Okay, but you already have a lot of pictures with me on here already."

He was right, but you didn't really care. "So what? Are you saying you don't want me to put up anymore?" You ask jokingly and laugh. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

Asher laughs. "God (y/n), you have no idea how much I love being around you." He sighs.

"Right back at you." You say gazing at all the photos on your wall. You both sit on your phones for awhile, then Asher tags you in a post. They were some of the same photos along with some more. The caption was "so lucky to have u in my life. i love uuu.💛". You comment "I'm lucky to have YOU. ilym <3" You both look up at each other and smile. You still had to think about the job Asher wanted you to have, too. After your family and his family had dinner together at his house. Then you went home and facetimed Asher until you both fell asleep.
word count: 1679

vote and comment if you enjoyed my chapter please !!

a/n: wow i'm surprised i updated this quick too HAHAH tbh i don't really know how his story is gonna go, which is another reason why it takes so long to update. but i think i actually have an idea in mind, so yeah hope you enjoyed!!

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