Chapter 2

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Ally's Pov

"Mani you look great come on lets go "Normani has tried at least 10 dresses and she looks great in all of them but apparently great is not enough for her.

"Ally great won't make dinah drool for me" she said

"Are you serious , she's so in love with you even if you looked homeless she would still find you breath taking and besides if you want her drooling for you then don't wear anything" I said and it earns me a slap on my arm"Ouch"

"I'm serious I want to take her breath away and also I want to impress her best friends it's my first time meeting them" she said while putting on her high heels "Oh and please allyson try not to scare dinah again "she gives me this pleading look as if I was gonna chase dinah away from her but I got to make sure that she is not gonna hurt her

"I can't make promises like that manibear ,I have to make sure that she's gonna treat you right""Ally I appreciate it but please for a tiny person you can be really intimidating"

"Oh please it's not like I'm the only one who's overprotective ,remember what you did to troy?"

"But I was right about him he turned out to be a jerk ,it's been two months since you broke up you need to get over him"

"I'm over him , he hasn't crossed my mind for a month well since that incident to be exact"

*One month ago*

"Allyson it's been a month you have to stop thinking about that useless cheater"normani said

"I just can't mani I'm trying but I can't what we had was so real , well at least I thought it was "I say trying hard not to cry

"That's why you need to come with me , you need to party to forget about the world and who knows you might get laid" she says and winks

"Okay that's not happening ,I will go with you but I'm not gonna hook up with anyone "I shoot her my most serious face to let her know that I wasn't gonna change my mind no matter what she did

"Well at least you are going , so lets go get ready "

** Two hors later **

I can't believe mani left me with this intoxicated idiots, so everything was okay until normani introduced me to a some of her classmates they were alright but they have spent the whole night drinking and decided to play truth or dare I didn't want to but normani convinced me just to leave me she said she was gonna go get some water and never came back and it was my turn now

"okay ally truth or dare ?"Josh asked

"I don't Know mm dare?"damn it mani where are you

"I dare you to kiss that girl the one who's sitting alone"I turn around to see who was he talking about and saw a girl with dark raven hair wearing a beanie probably texting someone

"On second thought I choose truth"

" Nope , you said dare so go on and kiss the girl" Amanda said with a smug smile

"No I'm not gonna kiss her "

"What are you scared ? It's just a kiss no big deal"Josh said trying to encorage and amanda joined him by saying"Yeah live a little ""Okay I'm gonna do it " I got up and went to where the girl was sitting looking up close she looked kinda intimidating maybe I shouldn't have agreed to this when I see normani I'm gonna kill her for sure .When I was in front of the mysterious girl who was to busy with her phone to notice me I coughed to get her attention and she looked up and let me say that the word beautiful wasn't enough to describe her , but I couldn't afford to get distracted I had to kiss her before she asked any questions so I pulled her up by the collar of her shirt and kissed her at first she was to shocked to react but soon she started kissing back and I swear I saw fireworks this kiss doesn't compare to any other ,not even the kisses I had with troy.I didn't want it to end but air was necessary so I unwrapped my arms from her neck and she did the same with her arms that were wrapped around my waist

"Wow"she said probably out of breath to say anything more , I kept my eyes closed trying to steady my breath and when it gets steadier I open my eyes and look at her dark brown eyes I didn't know what to do I never felt like this before I had to get away from her

"I..I got to go" I said and ran away as fast as I could

**Present Day**

"lly ..Ally hey where did you go ?"

"Sorry I was just thinking"

"Yeah I noticed , ally if that kiss meant that much to you then why did you run away?"mani asked

"I..I don't wanna talk about it mani ,lets just go we are gonna be late"

"Alright but this is not over we are gonna talk about it when we get back"

"Okay but I'm sure you are not coming home tonight"I said and raising my eyebrows making normani blush

"Shut up and move your little tush we gotta get going"

I opened the door and got out , while wondering if I was ever gonna see the her again the girl that stole my heart with a kiss...

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