A change in tone

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One of them turned around and called for a name which gave her hope. Aseth tried to stand but her limbs wobbled and her blood spilled out into the nearby river. Zelda approached with Seilien who looked sad. Taking a moment to register why she saw Link limp in the Dragon God of Power's arms. The pain seemed to be drowned out by grief. Aseth gently moved forward and whined softly at the boy. Nudging his hand with her utterly massive nose.

Pain flared up through her body as Seilien passed Link to another Shiekah and shifted to her form. She was wounded but nowhere near as badly as Aseth. The cheetah helped her stand and looked to Zelda. She chittered and the Princess nodded. Dirtied and sad, the grief-filled female handed Aseth the wounded Master Sword.

The beast leaned forward and gently took it in her claws. As utterly massive as she was, the blade was handled with the upmost care. Flexing her wounded wings, she gave a hobbling hop and tried to fly. She couldn't even get a flap in and tumbled to the ground. Seilien came and helped her up again. Zelda climbed onto Seilien's warm back and the two started first. Aseth limped after, the sword pulsed weakly at her. Sorrow filled her once more as she followed them. It was a long walk to the sword's pedestal and an even longer weave of the lost woods to get there. Aseth reverted to her hylian vessel.

In her hands, the Master sword chimed weakly and she gently pushed it into the pedestal. With a click and a soft gleam, the sword sealed itself away. Zelda moved closer and gently touched the pommel of the sword.

"Your master will come for you," she promised.

"Great Deku Tree," Aseth bowed, holding her wounds. "do you want me to remain here to guard the Sword?"

"It will not be needed, m'lady" she hadn't heard that title in forever, nor would she expect it from the Great Deku tree himself, "We will guard the sword, Hyrule needs all four of its protectors."

She bowed to him once more and looked to the other two females. Aseth gave them both a nod, then approached. Her social anxiety was currently suppressed by her pain and an overwhelming sense of justice.

"I will return to you to the Castle. I have to find Lily."

Zelda nodded and climbed back onto Seilien's back. Speaking very few words to the elder tree, the Princess seemed somber. Which turned Aseth's gut inside out as she reverted to her dragon form. Aseth was still wounded but with the darkness of the lost woods, she started to heal at a decent enough pace.

Soon enough, they departed. Without the sun, Aseth was able to keep healing but she wasn't healing fast enough. The dragon snarled as she struggled to keep pace with Seilien. A faint yet familiar cry brought her attention to a small house in the countryside near the castle. This is where Aseth had to peel off. Zelda looked back as the Twilight beast turned away.

"Good luck, Princess. May the light forever illuminate your path!" Aseth called out, hovering in the air for a moment. "I will see you again."

The princess' eyes pricked with unexpected tears while Aseth dove down. Her talons spread as she collided with the dirt. Light pulsed up her legs and peeled more of the darkness away. Several guardians shot off in that exact moment as Aseth curled to protect the little girl and her father. Each shot seared her hide but she had to protect them.

Shadow magic soon rippled out along her body, coiling up in her chest like a snake ready to strike. She lifted her head and bathed the guardians in the black flames as she had done earlier. Aseth flinched at the pain which shot through her body, she then looked down. Between her legs, Lily was hugging her limp father. The beast leaned down and sniffed at them.

Cold hard dread formed in her belly as she realized Stephen wasn't breathing. She couldn't do anything, the light side wasn't strong enough yet. Lily sniffed loudly and looked up at Aseth. Her eyes were red with tears and her nose dripping with snot.

"Aseth, please you have to help him!"

Bowing her head in defeat, she gently picked up Lily who started to kick and scream. Wailing for her father as she was taken away. Aseth flew towards the Gerudo desert. Her strength started to fail with each flap. She needed to get somewhere that would be safe for Lily. The beast faltered mid-air and she had to land at a small abandoned ranch across the river from Safula Hill. Aseth gently set Lily down and reverted to her Hylian form. Fatigue overwhelmed her, she took a step before her whole world turned black. Blood gushed from between her fingers as she collapsed to the floor. Faintly, she could hear Lily's panicked voice. Trying to reassure her, Aseth strained to move her jaw and get her vocal cords working but nothing moved.

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