Calamity strikes

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The festival had hardly been a year passed and Aseth could feel Calamity Ganon breathing heavily over her neck. She quietly awaited Zelda with the other dragons and the Champions. When a disappointed Zelda approached with a solemn Link, Aseth could feel her stomach go cold. Daruk shuffled forward, a concerned look on his face as his deep yet kind voice asked her.

"Well? Don't keep us in suspense"

Aseth quietly stood back, arms behind her back as she listened in. Kressi quorked softly and leaned in while Daruk kept talking. Tallis stepped aside to let the three pass them, then she leaned in as well. The beast of Wisdom spoke in a soft voice, "I don't sense it..."

Quietly, Aseth felt a slight bit of panic set in. It made it worse when Zelda just made a quiet hum and looked down at her feet. Aseth moved closer quietly and then stopped. Pain shot up her spine and she tried not to make any sound. Panic started to flare up more as the champions stood solemnly.

Revali moved forward, a soft look on his naturally disappointed face. It surprised the others at the gentle tone he pulled with Zelda. "So, you didn't feel anything?"

Kressi moved to join Revali at his side, joining in with the soft look. The Rito kept speaking, his tone going a lot quieter as he muttered. "No power at all?"

Pain flared up her spine again as Zelda's soft voice was nearly unreachable to her ears. All she could hear was the sorrowful 'no'. Silent, she swallowed hard and looked off towards Hyrule Castle's general area. The panic bubbled under her skin and fed the pain along her back. As she just started to get lost in though, Urbosa's leader-like voice broke the atmosphere.

"Then let's move on. You've done all you could and feeling sorry for yourself won't help anything. After all, it's not like your last shot was up there on Mt. Lanaryu. Anything could spark the power to seal Ganon away."

The Gerudo leader's words were more true than Aseth had realized. Impressed by her considerable ability to be so motherly, the Dragon God of Twilight smiled softly. Then the pain set back in and stole the moment away from her. Urbosa kept speaking and even Zelda did, but Aseth couldn't hear them. There were whispers in her mind which taunted her.

Ganon was speaking to her, trying to force her into submission. His overwhelming power forced more pain up her spine. She muttered a soft no and looked to her youngest sister. Seilien stood quietly, the Shekiah seemed a little panicked by something. That reassured Aseth, she clearly wasn't alone in feeling bad.

Mipha started to speak, her voice too soft for Aseth to properly make out her words. The pain increased more and more, she started to stutter and then the ground rumbled. All present staggered as Aseth shuddered with the ground's movements. Revali was up in the skies in a moment whilst the dragons started to mobilize. Aseth was the first to transform and throw herself onto the nearby mountain. She stretched out her wings as the pain subsided. The panic remained behind as Hyrule castle became swarmed in malice. Aseth crouched and prepared to take off but the ground rumbled and she almost slid from her peak.

"Princess, I will head straight to the castle and try to distract Ganon."

She spoke telepathically before springing off into the air. The other three dragons took off with their champions leaving Urbosa, Link, and Zelda behind. Aseth felt guilty leaving her chosen Champion behind but she was the only one properly able to deal with Ganon. The others could fall to his darkness and she claimed only that could happen to her. Afterall, her body was acclimated to the taint of darkness.

As she flew, the pain shot up her back again and part of the darkness on her legs peeled away. Revealing bright white fur underneath. At least the light side of herself was finally starting to show through. She called out to Hylia, her original master as she dove towards Ganon. The beast faced her as she got close.

The light in her talons glowed as she sliced through his malice made body. His tusks buried into her abdomen as she clawed and bit at his ghastly body. Ganon pulled his tusks out and bit at her again. Aseth pulled herself away, the malice clinging to the darkness while the light broke the sludge-like substance.

Circling around in pace with Ganon, she bellowed and roared. Challenging him to come after her. Although she wasn't prepared for the sudden beam to strike her. Aseth panicked as her flesh was seared and pulled apart by it. Looking over to the source, it turned out to be Vah Medoh. The Divine beast had targeted her. She thought it was a mistake and weaved aside. Cold hard reality crashed down as Vah Medoh shot at her again.

Aseth strained as she got shot a couple more times by the other beasts before they seemingly lost interest. She shrieked and flapped roughly. Her wings strained as she tried to fight off Calamity Ganon. It bit into her wing and pulled. Aseth gave a large roar of pain and plummeted. She tried to correct her course but ended up slamming into the Duel Peaks. Rock exploded around her as she tumbled from the sky. She gave one sharp flap and managed to climb into the sky. Aseth tried to correct her course once more but failed like before.

She slammed into the Duel Peaks again and sighed in defeat. Blood oozed out of her numerous wounds as her pelt remained in tatters. Her wings were ruined and she'd be unable to fly. With a loud crack of thunder, rain started to pour down heavily. Guardians suddenly appeared and came towards her. Aseth lifted her head and snarled, trying to haul herself onto the cliff. Her hind legs clawed feebly at the slippery rocks.

Lightning flashed overhead and she strained again. The beeping of aggressive targeting told her she had little time to help herself. She lifted a paw and swatted a guardian away. One guardian shot her and landed a blow against her faceplate. Then like a wave, the other loosed their shots. Aseth strained again and hauled herself up fully onto the cliff. While she did so, the tusk wounds from Ganon started to pour out blood.

It soaked the gray cliff in deep red and oozed down the rocks. She threw herself towards the top of the peaks. Struggling to climb as her blood spilled down the rocks. Aseth looked back the guardians who attempted to follow her. Shooting off lasers as they swarmed beneath her. Fighting for consciousness, she kicked off of a ledge and threw herself onto the higher of the two peaks.

Almost immediately she slid, her talons flexed as she tried to get to safety. A guardian shot landed right on her claw. It shattered and fell to the ground while she slid some more. Crying out loudly, the dragon scrambled up onto the opposing peak. Shadow magic charged up in her jaws as she looked over the guardians. Black ooze dripped out of her mouth as she exhaled a mighty torrent of black flames. The guardians became bathed and lost within it.

Turning while they burned, she attempted to run away. Tumbling with nearly every step taken, she tried to switch around and find the others. Blood was released quickly from her wounds and slowing her down. Straining, she coughed and collapsed before two Shekiah. The dragon stared pitifully at them.

The Dragon God of Twilight: Wild's breathWhere stories live. Discover now