Chapter 1

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AN: As much as I'd like to say that I own MCR, I don't. Be warned: colourful language...

I've never written a chapter story like this before, so any critiques are welcomed with open arms! :) *noob*

~Chapter one~

It was probably for the best. Yes. It was for the best, Mikey supposed. But that didn't mean he was going to like it. He grabbed all his suitcases and bags at once, and fought the wide load through the foreign house to what vaguely resembled a bedroom. He didn't bother to take in the sight of their new home like Gerard did, his older brother. He was probably staring up at it, and thinking how it could potentially make for a good setting in a horror movie or something. Artistic fucker. Mikey didn't care. He dumped his hefty load of luggage in the center of the room before his arms fell off, and flopped down onto the small rickety bed in the corner.

They had to move. They had to get away from Jersey city and all the crime that came with existing back to back with New York. It really didn't bother Mikey or Gerard at all, but it had their mother worried sick. They wouldn't be safe walking the streets. Honestly, she was fine until about month ago, when a group of students who attended the same high school were gunned down on their way home. So they moved. Belleville was all they could afford. It was barely six fucking miles away at that, but it was enough distance to calm mother's nerves. 

The whole ordeal was a great stress. Packing up all their belongings, touching up the old house, trying to sell the old house, finding a new house, shoving everything in the cars and leaving, then ...ugh. Then there was the changing schools business. At least they'd get a fresh start, and if there was a God, then perhaps the other students might leave them alone. Mikey hoped. Then they could relax, and adjust to the new area and life would be normal again. Well, as normal as life was ever going to be for the Way family. Normal. What an interesting concept. Mikey sighed into the musty smelling mattress. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad... He faintly heard his mother call him for dinner, but right now sleep seemed more appealing. 

The brothers had only two days to get themselves sorted and semi-used to the house, before all the shit would hit the fan at once, and they'd have to start at the new school. Mikey mostly spent the time unpacking everything and arranging his comic books carefully on the unstable shelves, bumming around and texting his friends. His friends that he wouldn't get to hang out with in school. Dammit. That wouldn't be easy. 

The house wasn't easy to get 'semi-used' to either. The stupid floral wall paper had yellowed in places where it got sun exposure, creating giant piss stain sort of effects on the walls that Mikey vowed never to touch. Every single floorboard creaked, which meant that if he ever went drinking, he wouldn't manage to sneak in late without waking mother and subsequently dying a horrible death. The electricity was dodgy, and the lights would flicker eerily and switch off completely at the worst possible times. Mikey did not find showering in the dark fun. Mikey did not find showering fun, period. Apparently, the 'hot'-water-cylindar didn't believe in hot water.

Waking up in a strange dark room, alarm blaring in his ear and back aching was perhaps a little more disorientating than Mikey estimated. He couldn't see shit! In his frenzy of trying to feel his surroundings, he'd knocked his glasses onto the floor. Mikey let out a groan. He dangled an arm over the side of the bed, picked them up and pushed them on. Just his luck. One of the lenses was cracked, making an opaque Grim-Reaper-sickle shape streak across his vision. Fuck. And today was his first day at school. Double fuck. He'd have to wear the crappy grandfather ones and make an awesome first impression after all. The mirror screamed 'NERD'. He resorted to straightening his hair to compensate. 

Mikey had to make the coffee, since Gerard hadn't arisen from his fathomless sleeping chamber of death and destruction and ...socks, yet, and their mother was trying to go caffeine free, or something that meant that she wasn't drinking coffee anymore. Lord - it was the only good thing he'd smelt in the time they'd been there. It's smell alone seemed to be the cause of a sleep-deprived black haired leviathan thing stumbling into the kitchen. It frantically yanked open the cupboard door, grabbed a mug and slammed it down in front of Mikey before he could blink.

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