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yall already know what the fuck it is.

it's been a while since I been on this fuckapp but wasspoppin 🙃 ?

i saw this post that said "2020 is the ghetto; each month out- ghetto'd the last," and i screamed ☠. coronavirus nd everything , i hope we can make it to December.

anywho, to be a bhaddie, you gotta be comfortable in your in skin first of all.. and be able to express yourself. different people express themselves in different ways.

to be a bhaddie, you need to be comfortable with change. you need to know what looks good on you, and what really fits you, and to know, you need to change your style.

changing your style doesnt only mean changing shirts, or bottoms. it means experimenting with makeup, experimenting with shoes, experimenting with hair, with jewelry, peircings, tattoos, nails.

not every little thing counts, but to find your style, you need to get out of your comfort zone or box. liking a certain style doesn't mean you have to wear it. no one is pressuring you to wear this or that. it's what makes you feel happy. it's what makes you feel like you.

people are assholes, and at some point in your life, they will comment on your weight, height, structure, face, skin, gender, preference, clothes , etc. but it's your job to give not one, not two, but zero fucks. it's your life , and you control your life; dont let other people control your life. you're worth way more than that. wayyy more than that.

- dye it a new / different color
- cut it / grow it (but ultimately take care of it)
- try a new style every week / month
- wash it routinely

- try different and new clothes that you wouldn't normally wear
- try different colors you wouldn't normally wear (who knows, you might look good)
- try different brands
- take care of your clothes (don't let then crease, stain, etc..)
- ahh go crazy 🤪

now... if you're like me, and your skin just wont act right, no matter how hard you try, dont stress over it. it's not worth it. if it's to the point where your concerned for you skin, go to a dermatologist. but dont worry, everyone had pimples/ blackheads/whiteheads at least one time in their life. even under makeup, people have pimple scars / dark circles. if you're one of those lucky people who never had pimples, then your genes must be crazy strong. just take care of your skin.
- do face masks
- try different products but not too many at the same time
- try using the same brand
- experiment different products for at least a few weeks
- love your skin 😊.

I love shoes but I dont have that type of money . it's okay though bc your shoes dont need to be $500 for it to be cool. especially if you're still growing. at some point, those $500 dont shoes just wont fit you, and what u gon do?
- try new brands
- try different types of shoes ( sneakers, Van's,  crocs, heels, flats etc)
- take care of them and dont let them get creased 🥴.

ima say it...
- eat healthy & exercise. ima hypocrite for saying this but I'm trying... even though food is sooo good.
- wash yourself at least twice a day
- put lotion, nobody wanna be ashy
-  deodorant!!!
- perfume / cologne!!
- if shaving, exfoliate, buy the right razor , and be careful
- please just love yourself 🥺.

- try piercings and tattoos... not everyone looks good with one, and not everybody's family is okay with it, but shii, yolo 😗.
- take care of them nails. especially toe nails.
- take care of yo feet too. may gross ppl out and may not seem important but nobody likes smelly & dirty feet
- you dont NEED to shave. shaving is too normalized, and it's not a necessity. however, do as you please 💓.
- try fake eyelashes, makeup, weave, etc . I've always been a natural girl but I would wear makeup to special events, and lemme tell you- FULL RESPECT to those who wear makeup because I honestly dont know the difference between certain items and I just turn out looking so stupid 😒
- use lip scrub / make one. they help for soft , non crusty lips. also, use vaseline, blistex, carmax,  burtsbees, (maybe lip gloss after.)

i hope these help 🦔. much love 💓.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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