okay, Ill speak for most people and admit that 2018-19 has probably been one of the worst years . everyone is dying, everything is off,  everyone has trust issues and everyone is trying to get away from their past :

 everyone is dying, everything is off,  everyone has trust issues and everyone is trying to get away from their past :

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but you know what?  cut all that shit from your mind. dont bury down it inside you, no. but do something about it.

whats making you feel like this? who made you feel like this? whats the best way to get rid of this feeling? KNOW what your heart wants, not your brain.

im going to make a chapter about this but you want to be mature in situations. knows whats right and wrong.

if you was the toxic person in the past, dont do the things that you did

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if you was the toxic person in the past, dont do the things that you did. if  you did something wrong, own up and apologize. be sincere about it, and respect what the other person wants because theyre going through things you made them go through. but always at the end, forgive yourself. always forgive. its very important because no one wants to carry a weight that they cant or dont want to carry. dont make the same mistake twice. grow from that mistake, even if the other doesn't forgive you. its okay.

but if someone special to you -- friend, s.o , family etc -- did YOU wrong, then WHAT are you apologizing for? you dont apologize for things you didnt do.

do what you need to do. cry, punch things (what to punch: pillows, your bed, your couch, a punching bag. what not to punch: people, cars, walls.), eat, watch movies all day, yell/scream (not at people), sleep all day, etc.

but you cant keep doing it forever. confront that person if you want to, you never have to do it if you dont want to. dont be immature about it.

and lastly, (this is for the person who got hurt and the person who hurt someone else) grow. know youre worth more than how youre being treated. know that you can become a better person. know that you can always change for the better. know that someone cares about you. that theres always someone for you. that two wrongs dont make a right. that youre not alone. that everyone is facing something. that everyone wants to be happy

believe it or not, youre not alone.

clear your head. find yourself. be mature. have fun. make friends. be friendly. work hard. prove people wrong. do you.

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