Shirabu rolled his eyes. "Just stop being all pissy and check the contents."

Tsukishima's eyes squinted. He reached for the envelope and checked what's inside. He thoroughly read through the papers and his eyes widened slowly.

"You found a place for my studio?" He said.

Shirabu sipped from his mug and felt relieved when he tasted the sweetness of chocolate from his drink. "Yes. I don't know if you'll like it. But its just a few minute drive from your place. And its also near Madhouse so you'll have no excuse in helping me everytime," he gave a sarcastic smile.

He checked the papers again. It noted what are its dimension, the area it is in, the nearest landmarks. When he flipped over the page, he saw what it looked like. The building looked spacious even though it only has 2 floors, and the architectural style was amazing. Glass panes surround the building as gray and black concrete adorned the exterior. Tsukishima was immediately sold.

"Is there a way I can contact the owner to transfer it to my name immediately?"

"I told you, who do you think I am and what do you take me for?" Shirabu rolled his eyes.

Tsukishima's mouth formed into an O. "Did you pay for it already? The transfer and everything?"

His friend scoffed. "Why would I pay for something I won't even own? Everything was from your bank account. I just sped up the process."

Tsukishima stood up still holding the papers in hand. He just couldn't believe this man. Shirabu really is something.

"You can leave now. Maybe you need to discuss those with your employees," Shirabu waved a hand as if allowing him to leave.

Tsukishima nodded before he gathered his things and hoisted the backpack up on his back. He put back the papers on the brown envelope before he said his goodbyes to his friend.

"Thank you for this, I'll have to go now." he said. Shirabu only smirked.

"Of course, for every favor I ask you I'll return each of wholeheartedly," he said in a suspicious tone. The way how Shirabu smiled bothered him, as if something is really gonna happen soon. But maybe it was just a weird feeling he got. Tsukishima rolled his eyes at his friend before gesturing to his friend that he'd be texting him soon.

After the visit to Madhouse, he went to his own studio to finally discuss everything to his employees. He explained what he has in mind for the new building. Basically it will be their new headquarters for the studio, but the old one will be their mini warehouse.

Tsukishima used the whole afternoon in settling the matters with the new studio.  Apparently, upon calling the real estate agent the only thing that he he needed to do was to finally sign the remaining papers. (Since Shirabu has finished all of the work, Tsukishima felt relieved because he hates doing that)

He totally forgot about what happened during the day because he was busy the whole afternoon. Yamaguchi suggested that they should use the next 7 days in refurbishing the building, installing all of the large pieces of furniture that they have.

"They are almost finished on painting the walls," Yamaguchi brightly said while handing him a basketful of letters and invitations. Its been 3 days since they started to make improvements for the new building. Tsukishima specifically stated that he wanted the color schemes look the same like his old studio so it would still feel like home.

Tsukishima tiredly lifted his head up from his desk which is full of the list of furniture that would be delivered in a few days that he has been in contact with.

To the Moon and Back (Kuroo Tetsurou x Tsukishima Kei)Where stories live. Discover now