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Nightmare walked around the halls of the castle, keeping his skull down as he thought through his plans. He wanted to ask both Killer and Horror out on a date. But he didn't know where to go. Or what to do. Or what to wear. He didn't know what Killer or Horror preferred for dates!

He'd been walking around the castle all day thinking to himself on what to do for their date.

Killer watched Nightmare with a worried frown. He'd been pacing the hallways all day.

Horror cuddled into a blanket, watching Nightmare curiously.

Nightmare turned around just before he hit a wall and paced the other way, looking down in thought.

Maybe they'd like a nice dinner? Horror might like it. No. They wouldn't convince anyone to serve them without calling the police or Ink. A walk in the park? No. Ink would spot them. A picnic? Where could they go?! Maybe to the movies? It was dark and no one could see them. Oh but it was so loud though. Where could they go?!

Killer watched Nightmare worriedly.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a frown.

Horror watched the exchange with interest.

Nightmare didn't show that he was listening or that he noticed that Killer had called for him. He was too deep in his thoughts to pay attention.

Killer sighed quietly. He picked up one of the decorative stones they had on their coffee table and threw it at Nightmare to catch his attention.

Horror watched with a grin.

Nightmare yelped in shock when something small hit the back of his skull. He rubbed the sore area and looked at Killer with a kicked puppy look on his face.

Killer frowned guiltily.

"Sorry." He apologised. "I guess you're a star. You were spacing out." He explained.

Nightmare blinked at the pun before he smiled slightly at Killer. "Okay, that's a good one."

He walked over to his mates and sat down on the couch, his legs eased slightly from all his walking. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you."

Killer smiled softly and hugged Nightmare.

"It's okay. Glad we got those stones though." He said with a smile.

Nightmare chuckled softly and leaned into the touch happily. "Glad to know our decorations are used as throwing stones. I better find some soft ones then."

Horror grinned.

"Maybe some pillows that look like stones?" He suggested, scooting a bit closer to them.

Killer chuckled.

"That would be really cool." He agreed.

"I'll go see if there's any in the AUs." Nightmare grinned at Horror and pulled him closer with a tentacle.

He cuddled between his Soulmates happily.

Horror smiled and leaned into the touch happily.

"Thanks." He replied, cuddling into Nightmare.

Killer smiled and snuggled Nightmare gently.

Nightmare smiled happily as he hugged his mates close. This just solidified his thoughts to make their date the best ever. They deserved the best and he promised he'd give them the best.

Killer hummed softly, cuddling Nightmare gently.

Horror purred softly.

Nightmare pulled away in confusion and looked at Horror, realizing the sound was coming from him. He smiled slightly. "You're purring?"

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