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This fanfiction was written as a roleplay collab.

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We hope you'll enjoy! ^^

Nightmare frowned as he stared at his messed up attempt at cooking. He hadn't paid enough attention.

He sighed and sat down on a chair in his cramped kitchen. He stared down at his arm, seeing the four sentences written on it.

These were his Soulmarks. Magical marks that appeared on the body of a person. These in particular were the first sentences that his Soulmates would say to him.

Yes. Soulmates. He had four.

On his arm there were four sentences. One was black in colour and in a normal font. "It hurts..."

The other was a vivid red colour with a slightly bigger font. "Who's there?!"

Another was a pale purple- almost grey- colour. "Go away..."

And another was a black outline kind of colour and a small font type. "What are you doing here?"

Nightmare sighed. All those sentences sounded negative. Like his soulmates were in a bad situation or as if Nightmare was going to hurt them.

He'd heard those sentences very often. Each time he had checked if they were one of his soulmates but he'd never found them.

He wasn't sure if he really deserved love anyways...

And with Inky and Dream on his tail he would never be able to keep them safe. They'd be seen as a vulnerability.

But of course, the knowledge that he had a Soulmate hadn't gone unnoticed. As much as he'd tried to hide the marks, on more than one occasion his sleeve had either ridden up or been ripped and revealed his marks.

Of course, being who he was. He'd gotten a lot of backlash.

"He has a Soulmate?"

"I pity his Soulmate."

"I bet he'll lock them away."

"His poor Soulmates. I hope they die before meeting him."

It wasn't easy dealing with all that on top of his usual dosage of pain and hate. But he got stronger with negative emotions. So, win-win?

Nightmare sighed and looked up at his burnt cooking again.

He was starting to hope that he'd never meet his Soulmates. He wouldn't be able to take care of them anyways...

But... he was selfish. He wanted to meet his Soulmates. He wanted to see them. He wanted to find them.

He wanted to.... love them.

Nightmare scoffed to himself at the idea. He couldn't love. And he certainly couldn't be loved. Even his own brother had left him behind. He was not capable of love.

But... He could at least try.

For his Soulmates.


Killer stared at the blood that was dripping down his arm as he cut into the bone deeply.

He didn't deserve any Soulmate. And certainly not four!

Killer tried to carve out the words on his arm or at least make them unreadable but the magic persisted and didn't go away no matter what he did.

He had killed everyone anyways. He'd killed his Soulmates.

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