I get up with the blankets curled around me still. They are half way off my bed. "Umm, what are you doing here?" I whisper yell trying not to be too loud, I might wake up Dad. "I said five-thrity didn't I?" Christian looks confused and it is oh so sexy on him.

"Umm, I thought you meant whenevery one else is roaming around!" I become irritated and then think back to my research last night. I stiffen up. "Sorry." I apologize.

"Don't, I should have been more clear. But we have to get going or we will never make it." He walks over to where I stand and grabs me by the wrist and also a duffle bag that looks familiar and he opens my bedroom window. "Er, what are you doing?" I ask getting a little shakey. I am not about to jump out a three story building!

"Well we can't use the front door, unless you want to get caught." Christian says with a smile that I know isn't good.

"I can use the door, you can use the window." I smile at him and he scowls. Uh-Oh.

"Trust me, this way is so much funner." He smiles and grabs me and before I know it I have an adrenaline rush. We are air born out the window and letting the snow kiss us on our face. We land softly on the snow, I am catching my breath from the short flight, but some how i ended up on Christians back. Hmmmm.

"You okay?" Christian asks me as he sets me down. He is so warm. I am freezing in just my gray sweatpants that are two sizes to big for me and my baggy t-shirt. The duffle bag, which I have realized is mine, is in his left hand still. I realize I'm wearing shoes. How did they get on my feet? Christian giggles to himself but I wish I knew why. "What?" I snap annoyed a little. He is so cute, but what goes through his mind makes me wonder.

"Nothing." He snaps back at me. Oh, he wants to play like that huh? Fine, I can do worse. I close my eyes and stick my nose in the air as I walk past him going around the house to the front door.

I go to walk up one of the stairs but I stop immediately when I feel Christians hands on my waist. They are so warm. How come? "Hey! If you want to do this then we go now, if not then I'll leave and there will be no playing games. I mean it." His voice is black, dark. It scares me, but I don't want him to leave. I turn around and nod to him hoping he knows that I want to do this, with him. "Then lets go." He grabs my wrist and we head toward his silver car. It looks so pretty in the snow.

He opens my door for me and I slide in while he goes around the car and into his seat. He starts up the car and throws the duffel bag  in the back seat alone. "I put some close in the bag for you to change." He doesn't look at me just right in front of him. Only looking in his gaze. Once the car is warmed up we start to roll across the road leaving my house behind us. He pushes a button on the radio head and a soft piano starts to play.

I listen as we head out of town, the tune is sad. Very. Singers start to sing and it sounds like a choir. "The moon, is distant from the sea. And yet with amber hands she leasds him, she leads him. Docile as a boy." I've heard this phrase before but I don't know from where. "What is this?" I ask pointing toward the radio playing the beautiful sound.

"Hmmm, Eric Whitacre's the moon is distant from the sea. Lovely isn't it?" Christian murmurs to me enjoying the sound of the piano and turning it up letting the bass relax at the back. I figured he would listen to something more, our age. Like rap or something, but this is also beautiful. The piano settles and plays a crescendo piece. So pretty. I relax and listen and watch the snow fall. We continue to listen to the lyrics and as we leave away from town, the trees become more scattered together the snow begins to flow more softly..

"So what exactly do we have to do at this early in the morning?" I ask nastly when the song is over while I turn the volume down. The sun hasn't risen yet and it is still quite dark. When does the sun rise here? I hear something grumble coming from next to me, did I make him mad again?

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