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Hi!I'm Fairylibra,and I love anime of all kinds.I am also an anime freak.My cousin/aunt is also an anime freak (her account is FairyYass).Wait.NVM my hole family is FULL of anime freaks, and I love that about my family.
I am in the middle of writing multiple books at the moment (can I get some suggestions on what to do next?).I feel like the Gruvia book I wrote,gets more attention than the others (especially my book called "through space amd time).

I'm glad that I hot to be in this community,and I hope more people can join.

there are multiple reasons why I love the ship Gruvia.1 of them is beacause in the beginning when Juvia first joined Fairytale,Juvia is inlove with gray,but Gray...
not so much inlove.I also love that in the beggining,before Juvia joins fairytale,Natsu,Lucy, Happy,and Gray get kidnapped by some weird people,and when one of them talk to Gray they said "I see great trouble with water and women in your feature". When I first watched Fairytale,I had no idea what he ment,but by the end of the first season, I knew exactly what he ment (lol).

BTW I HATE the ship graylu.If anyone supports that ship,they are HORRIBLE PEOPLE!

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