Ch. 32- The Betrayed

Start from the beginning

Mansi and Nour just made it to Amalia's and Allesandro's villa in Grecia. Two different Inalian families adopted them after they escaped from the Neverseen with Amalia. Though that was almost three years ago now, they were all around nine or ten now. They regularly hung out with everyone though and were living happy and comfortable lives in Inalia, but still continued wearing their people's clothing and spoke their languages. Mansi was eating the bright cherries out of her basket she was given while Nour was murmuring in Egypinat and searching in a puzzle book his adoptive mother gave him.

"Do you think Alden and Alvar are here?" Mansi asked, turning behind the house to enter the courtyard.

"Why do you want to know?" Nour asked, wiggling his eyebrows and putting down his book into the basket. Mansi turned her head to hide her blush. She has recently started to crush on Alvar, and after Amalia and Nour found out, they haven't stopped teasing her about it.

"Just wondering!" Mansi snapped, and Nour chuckled. The two knocked at the door to the courtyard, and Allesandro looked up from the garden, which he was weeding with his deadly hidden wrist blades. He wore a casual loose white tunic that and brown pants with tied up sandals.

"Hey you two, Amalia, Alvar, and Alexios are coming out any minute

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"Hey you two, Amalia, Alvar, and Alexios are coming out any minute. Filomena is in the kitchen making pastries-" Allesandro was cut off by a giant explosion coming from Amalia's room. Allesandro pinched the bridge of his nose and got up. Suddenly, Amalia and Alvar come running out to Allesandro at top speeds. A bright blue-skinned Alexios followed them, yelling furiously.

"It wasn't my fault!" Amalia yelled, running at top speeds away from her furious cousin. Alvar skidded to the side of the courtyard and hid behind an aryballos*.

"How the heck did you screw this up?! It is the simplest alchemy recipe!" Alexios yelled. Amalia clamored on top of one of the white marble pillars and watched as her cousin quickly followed her, she squeaked and was hopping around on the pillars trying to get away from her angry cousin. Alvar peeped out from his hiding spot. At this time Leto walked in, extremely confused.

"Oh, hey, guys!" Alvar chirped like Amalia wasn't about to get slaughtered by her cousin.

"Hey?" Nour said, confused. Alvar looked at Mansi and smiled, which caused Mansi to quickly look away.

"Amalia wanted to prove to Alexios and me that she is a good alchemist, which we all know to be false. And then, well..." Alvar pointed to blue-hued Alexios power tackling his cousin. Allesandro pulled the two cousins away from each other and hold them up by the back of their tunics.

"Enough! Alexios, the color will come out any time now. And Amalia, what on earth happened to have you mess up this bad?!" Allesandro scolded.

"Oh please, you are just as bad at Alchemy Allesandro!" Leto said, laughing. Allesandro shot a look to Leto and Leto just shrugged.

"Okay, everyone who isn't dyed blue, come inside to eat. Son, get over here let me help you." Filomena said, pulling out a rag from her waistband. Alexios shuffled over to his mother, who started to slowly remove the blue goo off him. Everyone else went inside and started to eat the freshly baked pastries. Allesandro was moving to join them, but Alden and Maria called him over.

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