Cooking be like"if you liked then you shoulda put a ring on it."

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Faiths POV

Today is Thanksgiving...

Carter went out with the 5sos boys, Cam, Nash, and Hayes...

Brittany? oh yeah she went with them too because she couldn't cook for the life of her... (No offense.) the last we cooked we decorated blocks of ice with icing and sprinkles...

And Cameron? he's helping my mom and I cook.

"Cameron! thank you so much for helping us today!" my mom hugged him as e walked in

"No problem! I can't really cook but ill try!" he laughed a little

"Nonsense! all you have to do us follow directions..." my mom laughed

"Don't worry it's easy." I said

"Mommy are we going to make cookies?" autumn bounced into the kitchen

"No baby... later okay? you go to the living room and watch your movie." I said to her

"Okayyyy mommy..." she bounded away

"Okay let's get started." I smiled and turned back to our cooking session


"Okay now sprinkle some cheese on the top." I said to Cameron

"But it's Mac and cheese I don't think it needs more cheese." he said

He's such a goober sometimes...

"It's baked Mac and cheese... it makes it cheesier." I laughed

"Okay we're all gonna be fat after we eat."

"That's what Black Friday shopping is for- burning off the calories you jut ate by running around the store." I said in a 'duh' tone

"True. But what if you don't go Black Friday shopping."

"Ugh. just put the cheese on there!" I said


"Okay! the turkey is ready now to finish baking the casseroles and Faith baby, start cutting out the cookies!" my mom said to me

"Okay." I said while washing my hands after kneading the cookie dough "I'm going to see if autumn wants to cut them out."

I walked to the living room to see her past out on the couch with her mouth slightly open.

I turned off the tv and looked at y baby girl for a moment before returning I the kitchen

"She's sleeping..." I said "so Cameron I guess you'll be cutting out pumpkin shaped cookies with me.



We had the food set out on the counters and had two tables next to each other.

I hugged Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Mikey when they walked in then hugged everyone else

"I'm literally so happy you guys are here."

"Aw I feel so special" Mikey said

"Hey hey!" Brent said walking in with Maggie, Lucas, and Brent's family

"Brent! Maggie!" I hugged them

"Luke Hemmings." he turned around from his conversation "This is Luke." I said pointing to the small child

"Hi luke! I'm Luke too!" they high fived

"Brice you could have brought your girlfriend or fiancé or whatever." I nudged Brice

"Yeah I would have but she's with her family." he hugged me

"Aw. well boy you guys have been dating for years!" I exaggerated "Beyonce taught me, if you liked then you shoulda put a ring on it." I did the little single ladies dance

The next people to arrive was Matt, Abbie, and Matt's family

"MATTTTT!" I yelled "holy shit I haven't seen you in forever!!! and abbie hey girl!" I hugged her then Matt's family

My mom whistled loudly to grab everyone's attention

I stood on the steps

"Hey everyone! I'm so glad all of you guys could make it to celebrate a day of thanks! I know you guys aren't really my family but your pretty damn close to it! so lets pray and we will eat! But stay away from the Mac and cheese... Cameron made it... just kidding its good." everyone laughed



Thanksgiving sounds good. #Food

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