Boyfriends be Like"Can't stop won't stop."

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Faith's POV

Two years later
And here I am with my beautiful two year old daughter Autumn and Fiancé Carter

"Carter what's today's date?" I asked

"May 30th." he said a few days ago I turned twenty I know I'm such an oldie now

I still hang out with Brent, Matt, Brittany, and Maggie, and all the other boys literally half of the Ex- Magcon boys came out after Autumn was born and so did 5 Seconds Of Summer..

The cool thing is Maggie's baby boy Lucas is a week apart from my baby girl...

"So when are we having the wedding? I want a end of summery beginning of fall wedding." I said

"Okay. I don't care as long as your happy." he smiled

"Okay. Your no help... I'm calling Brittany over!" I threw my arms up

"Well someone's on their period..." he groaned

"To be honest, yes." I smiled

To Britt😚:

Please come over and help me with the wedding planingggg!

From Britt😚:

Okay but Cam is coming too

Yes Brittany moved I California but she moved back to Virginia- Because she loves us- but goes to Cali a lot

I know your probably wondering how we get money to do all this stuff but were all popular youtubers.

Brittany has her Vlogs and make up tutorials, Brent with his random videos and challenges, Matt is just Matt, and Me and sometimes carter the last video we did was The Whisper Challenge it was hilarious

To Britt😚:


From Britt😚:

OKay? kk! be there in ten :*

"Hey Cam is coming over with Britt... Maybe you two can take that one to the park or something." I said pointing to Autumn who was coloring


Brittany true to her word was at my door step in ten minutes

"Hey!" she hugged me "Why don't you get a wedding planner?"

"Because I want to do this myself! with the help of you and maybe Maggie."

"Okay okay..."

We sat at my very cluttered table

"So should the wedding September 20th?" I asked

"Sure... cause its still warm like summer then a little cool like fall its perfect! And I'll be twenty by then." she nudged me

"Wow... I thought we'd be normal by now... but then we'd be boring as fuck!" we both laughed

Carter gasped "There are children!" then pointed to the swear jar that had at least 25 dollars from the past couple months


"You know what... I'm getting my mom to do this shit. Too stressful." I rubbed my face

"I told you earlier you little betch!"

I dialed my moms number and asked her of course she said this is a dream for her she's always wanted to do this so yeah I'll dump this load on her :)

*next day*

"Good morning my little princess!" Carter said picking Autumn up as he walked into the main room

"Daddy!" she squealed, literally dying because this is so cute I think I was crying

"Why are you crying?" carter kissed my cheek

"Because you guys are so cute! I didn't think in a million years I'd be here with an amazing fiancé and a beautiful baby girl." I smiled and wiped up the few tears that streaked down my cheeks.

"Mommy, I hungry!" She reached for me. I grabbed her and put her on my hip

"Do you want..." I looked though our various choices of cereal "Cheerios?" I smiled

"Yay!" She clapped her hands together


Brittany's POV

"Cameron Mica Boyce! stop!" I said before I knew it I was submerged in the water

"Can't stop, won't stop." He laughed

"I really didn't want to get in the water!" I said pushing the hair back from my face "Its so cold!" I chattered my teeth because i was freezing in this lake

"Ugh fine lets get ya home." He said and got out

I got out too and he wrapped a towel around me "Thank you.'

"Do you want to get hot cocoa from Starbucks?" He asked

"Sure." I smiled

I laughed at Cam because he had whipped cream on his nose

"Why are you laughing at me?" He was so clueless

I took my thumb and swept it across his thumb getting rid of the cream then wiped it off on a napkin

"You had whipped cream on your nose."



First chapter aight🙈👐

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