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your pov : you wer in London town trying to look around some of the shops as you need to get some things for your new apartment as you r looking a guy knocks into you by accident

Guy : "oh I'm so sorry you ok" he helps you up

You : "yeah sorry I should have moved"

You hear a familiar voice shout y/n as 2 arms rap around you it was will your childhood friend!

Will : "omg y/n! How are you sorry this goofball Alex bumped into you there!"

You : "hi there will I'm good and oh nah it's ok"

Alex looked confused but flustered the same time

You and will have some catch up time and he invited you over to there apartment Alex stayed quite most of the time and the other 2 lads George and Josh kept makin jokes about Alex drinking bathwater it was a bit funny .

You kept feeling two eyes on you all the time it wasn't a bad stare but a good one

The apartment was fun will decided to go and get food and George went with Josh already left and then it was just me and Alex.... he didn't talk mu-

Alex :" so how long you and will know eachother"

You : "since I can remember really he's like my big bro I guess"

Alex : "thats cool so what do you do for a living and stuff?"

You look up at Alex to see his cheeks bright red and him staring at you. You quickly look away and blush....So he was the one looking at you all day

You : "well I've been looking for jobs recently and I can't find any that are go-"

Alex : " why don't you start YouTube"

You : "why YouTube"

Alex : "I mean like do a channel like mine...?"

You : you have YouTube?

Alex : "will didn't tell you?"

You :"no not at all" you giggle "does he have one"

Alex : "we all have one" he giggles back "but seriously you should try people would deffo love ur content!

You catch Alex blushing again and you felt your heart race and your cheeks also burn up he was so cute and being so nice to you

You: "maybe I'll think about it"

After you and Alex talked for like 30 mins or so will came back with the pizza George had a hand full of beers and stuff

Will :"thought I'd pick drinks up to celebrate it is like a family reunion"

You : "well u have always been there like the brother I never had so why not!"

imallexx x reader ((X Memeulous))Where stories live. Discover now