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Zeke's pov

It was about midnight when they took me, I was tryna get free but I'm not strong because I'm only four and I don't even know how to activate my quirk. So the only thing I did was squirm around. Seemed like it was kinda working or I was just being really annoying because the next thing I know I was knocked out cold.

Time skip

I got woken up with cold water being splashed on me. It didn't feel good whatsoever.

"Finally awake huh." ????

Who... who are you?" Zeke said shivering from the cold water thrown onto him and also in fear.

" Oh don't worry about that little Zeke. All you need to know is that the rest over your life is gonna be hell straight hell and I'm gonna whip you into a man and you'll be the best killing machine." Said the man. Zeke didn't look into his face but he did admire his clothes though. He was wearing a business suit. I looked around and noticed that I was in a full concrete room with a one way mirror. I spotted more men in the room with me and the man but they were dressed differently. They had on kinda like all black military clothes, looked pretty badass but I'm not gonna compliment my abductors.

"So Zeke? Shall we get to work?" Said the unknown man in front of me. He didn't give me time to respond because he signaled his men to get me and follow him out the door. Their was really no point of fighting it so I just walked with them holding me with chains on my arms and legs, kinda dramatic for someone who doesn't know how to use their quirk. I didn't notice the man holding folder this whole time because he kept on looking back at me and then forward then back again then forward.

"Says here your quirk injects poison into u." Said the man.

"Ok and?" Said Zeke a little worried.

"Seems like we can get rid of that little drawback their." Said the man while smiling. I was confused until we went into a room with a table with straps on the side and a bunch of liquids everywhere in tubes some bright and others dull. I was confused until the men picked me up and strapped me in. I was tryna get loose but it was all in vain. Ounce i was strapped in the man called in some people to help him out

"You called doc?" Said a woman around her twenties.

"Yes I did. I need your help with this little fellow here get rid of his drawbacks." Said the doc while handing her a folder. She looked impressed with my quirk but I didn't care what she thought.

"Well then." The lady looked up from the folder looking into my eyes with a sinister smile which made terrified.
"This is gonna be fun right Zeke." Well after she said that I sunk low tryna crawl into my shirt but couldn't. I can see the lady walking around the room sticking tubes into bottles and stuff and after a while their was about 20 or so different colorful substances next to the table. She ordered the men in the room to stick needles into precise spots all over my legs, body, arms , and neck. When they were done they backed up into a different room which I didn't even notice in front of me was a one way mirror. What happened next scared me. I heard the doc she get ready for hell at first I was confused but then the liquids started to slowly make its way up the tubes to the point of the needle into my veins and body not even a second went by and I felt like I was burning up from the inside. They stopped the liquids ounce they saw that I was drooling and looking like I was having a seizure. Since I was four I didn't take it so lightly and throw up my dinner and even blood. Everyone that left the room came back and the doc and lady started to write things down on a clipboard.

"Well Zeke. Get ready for the next thing we're doing." Said the doc and unstrapped me. a soldier picked me up and we went into another room which was just a tank with ice in it. I was oddly confused but what scared me was that the lady showed me my document and my quirks and drawbacks. I didn't notice it until know and I realized what they were doing to me. And I tried to fight but couldn't. I was too weak. A soldier put a gas mask on me that was connected to two things: an oxygen tank and a 'poison tank?' And I was correct. I was in hailing light poison and dumped into the cold iced water. I was too weak to fight it and the drawbacks didn't help me and I was in a dark coffin looking thing filled with iced water and inhaling light poison. I feel asleep feeling like shit.

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