"Poppy!" Poppy came out of her office and walked over to Tonks. She took one look at the lifeless form and said,

"Who it that?" Tonks gave her an 'are you stupid look'. Then she said,

It's Harry Potter." Poppy looked at Tonks and said,

"Is he dying?"

"His heart is beating; he is covered in blood, bruises, and unconscious. You need to fix him so he will wake up."

"If he is not dying there is nothing I can do."

"He could be dying. He is bleeding and the train car was covered in blood and I am pretty sure I smelled semen. Please do something after all you are the school nurse are you not?"

"Look I can't do anything for him other than stop the bleeding and make sure he doesn't die. I am not allowed to heal any broken bones or patch up cuts or anything like that." Tonks gave Poppy a weird look. Poppy then went over to doors and closed them. She cast Colloportus and Silencio and turned back to Tonks and said, "Here is the deal I can't do anything to help him. I have however been supplying Miss Granger with the materials to patch up Mr. Potter."

"May I ask why you can't just patch him up yourself seeing as you are the school nurse?"

"I have been told by Dumbledore that I am not allowed to heal Mr. Potter in any way other than preventing him from dying." Tonks thought for a few minutes then said,

"I am going to go talk to Minerva. Did Hermione show up?"

"Yes, she was in hysterics so I gave her a calming potion and sent her to Minerva's office to let her know that she had arrived safely." Tonks smiled and unlocked the door using Alohamora and walked through.

Back in Minerva's office, everyone held his or her breaths as Minerva went to the door. She opened it up just enough that she could see who was on the other side. When she saw that is was Hermione, she let her in. Hermione walked in and sat down in a chair summoned by Severus. Once she sat down she said,

"Madame Pomfrey told me to come let you know that I had made it Professor McGonagall." Minerva smiled and said,

"When was the last time you saw Harry?"

"Right before I went into the bathroom to change into my robes."

"Why were you late if you were just in the bathroom changing your robes?"

"When I came out of the bathroom I was grabbed from behind, dragged into an open car, bound and gagged by Percy Weasley. He threatened to kill Harry if I screamed." Remus tired to get up but Severus blocked him. Fred and George tried to get up but Neville stopped them. Minerva was about to speak when there was another knock at the door. Minerva put her finger to her lips to tell everyone to be quiet. She walked to the door and opened it just a crack to see who it was. When she saw that it was Tonks she let her in. Remus ran to his wife and began to talk really fast saying,

"Harry is missing! He was last seen on the train. You need to go find him!" Tonks put her arm on her husband's shoulder and said,

"Remus, take a deep breath for me and relax. I found Harry. He is in the hospital wing, however, before you ask me no you may not see him. He is in very bad shape. That is why I am here. Minerva I need you to tell Poppy that it's okay to heal Harry." Minerva just stood there, while Remus began to pace. After a few minutes, Minerva asked,

"Why do I need to tell Poppy that she can heal Harry?"

"Dumbledore told her that she is not allowed to do anything other than keep him alive." Minerva sighed then said,

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