1 - Chance Encounter

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A/n Hey looks it's my actual WIP this is the book that will probably be updated the least yet will result in the most pain for me, love that. Also please vote, comment, and follow. Enjoy :)

"I love you!" I cry out with tears dripping down my face

"Adam, Adam wake up, Adam." Light floods into my eyes as I awake to my father standing over top of my gently shaking.

"You don't want to be late on the first day back, do you? It's a new year after all."

Swinging my legs over the side of my bed I yawn and run my hands through my brown mop-like hair. My father leaves the room stopping at the door to tell me that my breakfast is on the counter. Dazed, my eyes drift to the clock on my bed stand, 6:15 it reads.

"MOVE!" smacking my face softly I push my body off the bed feeling my knees and back crack. Standing still for a few seconds my body loosens up I drag myself down the hall and towards the kitchen, as if it was second nature I grab my phone off the counter and sit down at the table. I honestly don't even feel like eating, winter break ends way too quickly here. Back to the grind of school, and exams are coming up honestly it feels like the world wishes to suffer.

A vibration pulls me out of my thoughts. Glancing down at my phone I see it's from one of my best friend Fae. One of my closest friends the only issue is that she lives in Europe and that makes pretty much everything difficult. Especially when you happen to have feelings for her. Opening up Instagram I read over her text message. Then I read it again, and a few more times just to make sure I'm reading it right.

Hey, I thought I should let you know I moved to Canada with my family :)

I don't know how long I sit there but I know it was too long when I finally regain enough brainpower to stop staring off into space like a fool I notice the time.

"Shit! It's 7:00 already"

I start running around the house grabbing my bag, coat and shoes. I sprint out of the door and take off down the street glancing behind me. Please don't let me miss my bus, please. The bus stop is just around the corner as I see the bus roll beside me. The bus beats me there but it rolls to a stop waiting for me.

Stepping onto the bus I see my best friend Will standing near the front grinning like an ass at me.

"You lucky bugger, be thankful I spotted you. You'd have to walk to school" He chuckles a little. I give him a fist bump as I grab the bar beside him.

"Thanks for saving me there. Honestly, I just can't wait for this weather to improve."

"So..." Will glances at my Pj bottoms. "Why were you running late?"

"Nothing really I just wasn't ready for the first day back." My white lie makes my life just a little easier. I don't really feel like filling him in. At least not till I know where in Canada Fae moved to and why. Until then I'll dance around the question.

I twitch slightly as my phone vibrates again. Damn, am I about to die. Two text messages before 8:00 o'clock. Pulling my phone out I see that it's from dad.

Did you think about what I told you last week?

A wave of emotion hit me as if it were a tidal wave threatens to drown me as I remember what my dad told me last week.

I'm sitting on the couch at home watching TV. My dad who had just gotten off the phone walk over to me and takes a seat beside, the couch shakes slightly as he does.


I look over at him and see the desperate but joy-filled look on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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