"I love you." 

"I love you too." Tony replied as they pulled up in front of May and Peter Parker's apartment. 

"Alrighty, let's go recruit Spider-Boy."

Keira had settled herself on the Parker's couch beside Tony as the three of them made small talk waiting for the man of the hour, Peter Parker, himself to actually walk through the door. 

"Hey, May." A voice called out as the three of them turned where a brown-haired boy entered into the room, a backpack draped across his back. 

"Hey. How was school today?" May asked as Peter was still oblivious to the presence of the unexpected guests. 

"Okay. This crazy car parked outside. . ." 

Peter finally looked up and noticed the presence of the newcomers, his eyes widening not quite believing the sight in front of him. 

"Um. . . . What--what are you doing. . .? Hey! Uh, I'm--I'm--I'm Peter." Peter Parker stuttered out. 

"Tony," Tony introduced himself before gesturing to Keira. "And this is Keira."

"It's nice to meet you, Peter."  Keira said, offering him a smile. 

"What are. . . what are you guys. . . what are you. . . what are you doing here?" 

"It's about time we met. You've been getting my e-mails, right?"

"Yeah, yeah." Peter tried to play along, but the confusion in his eyes gave him away.  


"Regarding the. . ." Peter trailed off. 

"You didn't tell me about the grant."

"About the grant."

"The September Foundation." 


"Remember when you applied?"


"I approved, so now we're in business." Tony continued. 

"You didn't tell me anything. What's up with that? You keeping secrets from me now?" May questioned. 

"Why, I just, I just. . .I just know how much you love surprises, so I thought I would let you know. . . .anyway, what did I apply for?"

"That's what we are here to hash out." Keira joined in the conversation. "Can we have five minutes with him?"

"Sure." May replied before Peter led Tony and Keira into his bedroom, so they could discuss their real reason for being there.

"So. You're the. . . Spiderling." Tony said. "Crime-fighting Spider. . . you're Spider-Boy?"  

"S. . Spider-Man." Peter stuttered out. 

"Certaintly, not in that onesie, you're not." Keira replied, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"It's not a onesie." Peter repplied. "I was actually having a real good day today, you know, Mr and Mrs. Stark. Didn't miss my train, this perfectly good DVD player was just sitting there, and. . . Algebra test. Nailed it!" 

"Well, first of all," Keira started, looking at the boy in front of her. "We are not married, and secondly, you go to Midtown, right?"

"Yeah?" Peter replied, wondering why the sudden change of topic was necessary. 

"So, you must know my sister, Bea, then?"

"Yeah, what about Bea? Woah, you're the Keira she is always talking about."

"That would be me." 

"Who else knows? Anybody?" Tony said, in an attempt to continue the conversation. 


"You got a passport?" Keira asked. 

"Uh, no. I don't even have a driver's license."

"You ever been to Germany?" Tony continued. 


"Oh, you'll have the best time." Keira said grinning. 

"I can't go to Germany!"

"Why?" Tony and Keira asked in unison. 

"I got. . . homework." 

Silence filled the room as Keira and Tony just stared at Peter. "I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that." 

"I'm. . . I'm being serious! I can't just drop out of school!" 

"Might be a little dangerous." Tony said. 

"But, don't worry." Keira continued. "We will tell your Aunt, that we are merely taking you on a field trip."

Tony and Keira both headed towards the door and Tony's hand had just circled around the doorknob when a sticky substance suddenly held it in place. 

"Don't tell Aunt May." 

Keira grinned at the boy. "Alright, Spider-Man."

"Get me out of this." Tony said before sharing a look with Keira. 

"Sorry, I'll get the. . ."

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