A rainy day in with Mei and Kiana

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A one shot about friends. characters include: Reader,Mei, and Kiana this is going to be fluff
Also this is my first story ever so sorry if it's bad ^~^
Reader has no defined gender in this so everyone is included.
And I know it's only 700 words but I tried okay please help me out here idk what I'm doing.
This is in Reader's POV (or at least I tried to make it Reader's POV)
Please let me know if there are some mistakes.
Tell me if you want a part two, and thank you for reading!

The once clear morning sky soon became overcast by gray clouds as it became noon,
"Aw man is it going to rain today?" as Kiana sighs, Mei looks up at the sky as she was walking through the Main Street in Reader's hometown with her two friends "Oh dear, it does look like it's going to rain" Mei says "Those clouds are getting dark too, looks like we won't be able to have a picnic at the park like we had planned" I say "This sucks! I'm hungry and I want to have a picnic!" a pouting Kiana says stomping the paved sidewalk like a child "Oh! I have an idea" I say "You do?" Kiana says and stops pouting "What's your idea Reader?" Mei asks "Well my house has a covered deck as long as there is no lightning we should be able to have a picnic there" "That's a good idea" Mei says "Yay let's go!" And before anyone can say anything else Kiana grabs me and Mei's hands and drags me and Mei to my house.
34 minutes later
"Finally we are here" I say out of breath "Man I'm tired" Kiana says "Well maybe if you didn't run and drag us the entire time, you wouldn't be tired!" I say "Shush you" Kiana says, as we all walk up the few steps to my house a loud boom of thunder startles me and I would have fell if Mei didn't catch me "My goodness, thanks Mei-chan" I say "You should be more careful Reader you are not a valkyrie like us you could get seriously hurt" Mei lectures you like a mother would "Sorry Mei-chan" I say and Kiana just snickers "Reader is afraid of thunder!" Kiana says still snickering "I am not! it just startled me is all" I say as I unlock my front door "Whatever you say Reader" Kiana says as we walk into the dark house, I turn on the tall living room lamp, it starts to rain heavy then we see a flash of lightning followed by a loud boom "Looks like we won't have a picnic after all" I say "Really!?" Kiana pouts "Well we can eat our food in the kitchen" I say "But it's not the same!" Kiana exclaims "Suit yourself then" I say and walk to my kitchen, Kiana's stomach growls "Wait for me!" Kiana says and runs after me, Mei just giggles and follows us into the small but spacious kitchen, we all sit at the big round table beside the window and Mei puts the picnic basket on the table and sets out three bentos full of teriyaki chicken and rice (if you are vegan or vegetarian then it's tofu and rice) and homemade cookies, immediately Kiana starts stuffing her face with food "Wow this is so good Reader you helped make this!?" Kiana says "Yes, Mei did the cooking and I made the cookies" I say "That's right I'm better at cooking than I am at baking" Mei says "Don't worry Mei you will get better the more you practice!" I say "Yeah!" Kiana stops stuffing her face for a moment to say "Aw thanks you guys!" Mei smiles, you and Mei start to eat.
1 hour of small talk and eating passes
We decided to watch a movie "What movie do you guys want to watch?" I ask "May I suggest The lion king?" "Lion king it is" Kiana says, me and Mei chuckle "Alright then I will go make some popcorn"
A few minutes later
I come back with a huge bowl of popcorn, a blanket and sit on the small but cozy sofa with Mei and Kiana, Mei starts the movie and you all have a relaxing time together.

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