4 headcanon (kinda) for a fic

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I really wanna AU fanfic of them meeting as kids or something, but like shaw somehow finding out Charles is a telepath and kidnapping him, killing Charles' mother in the process, she may have never payed attention to him but he loved her so he get...

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I really wanna AU fanfic of them meeting as kids or something, but like shaw somehow finding out Charles is a telepath and kidnapping him, killing Charles' mother in the process, she may have never payed attention to him but he loved her so he gets mad and shaw 'supposedly' killed his sister Raven, but shaw is wearing the helmet (when does he get it idk plot though) him and Erik meet as kids try and kill shaw together, having falling in love with each other when they where kids, they fail because shaw has the helmet and Erik gets distracted by Charles falling of the boat (he's still a twink since Erik does all the stuff where you would get mucuses idk basically Erik is the bronze but still smart? And Charles is the brain) Raven had tried to find Charles for a while then she thought he was dead she remembered he told her that he had wanted to open a school to mutants, so that's her goal and she she ends up working with the CIA and etc etc gets on the boat, Charles and Erik get saved, Charles is weary of Raven, because he doesn't go into her head, even when she claims to be his 'dead' sister, Erik she's Charles getting upset and steps in (btw they haven't confessed they're feeling towards each other yet, yes they're in there mid twenty's in this book don't ask, but like they fell in love at age twelve and are like twenty-four and twenty-five... so-) erik is like super protective of Charles and Charles stops any telepath getting into Erika head, Charles is protective too, but like, Erik is really protective, Charles loves him -amongst many other reasons- for it, and loves when he gets protective because it makes him feel loved and safe, more so than usual when he's with Erik (they've been friends and never leaving each others side for like twelve years) Also Charles has glasses, his eyesight isn't bad but shaw somehow put it into his head that they help him concentrate ( like Eddie's mum with Eddie's asthma)
Even though they're not even real glasses. He also knows German as well as he knows English and speaks it when he's around other people when having a private conversation with Erik( Charles and Erik are fluent in many languages but whatever shut up-)
Erik is mostly the same as first class Erik except he's always with Charles and like loves him A LOT him and Charles are inseparable. Legit they're always at each other's side no joke, it's more anxiety and paranoia and the fact that they're hopelessly in love with each other, also kurt is still alive, him and cain abused Charles pretty badly, the only people he doesn't flinch, even a little bit like a twitch, is Erik , Charles is shit scared of kurt and cain so when he finds out they're still alive, he asks Erik in German if they can talk alone, Erik glares at whoever told them and leads Charles to somewhere private, once Erik uses his power to see if anyone wearing metal is near and Charles using his power to see if they're alone. Once they both confirm that, yes they're alone, Charles breaks down, and Erik holds him, ever so gently rocking him and whispering comforting things in German.

I would love to see a fanfic play out with this concept like omfg, also not just skipping over when they where kids (also they escape when they're 16) the first few chapters are about them as kids, at lest until the best friendship happens then time skip happens idk, but that would be an amazing fanfic.

I would love to see a fanfic play out with this concept like omfg, also not just skipping over when they where kids (also they escape when they're 16) the first few chapters are about them as kids, at lest until the best friendship happens then ti...

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Also yes peter does exist but is much younger because well they're in they're mid-twenty's, Peters an orphan, his mum died in a car crash, Peter happens because there was a point where Erik thought Charles was dead and got really drunk and sad and slept with peters mum. Charles and Erik find out about Peter and adopt him because like they love each other? Idk. Peters like 2 but still really fast and has ADHA and has a friend called peter as well, who also has ADHA, peter Parker. They stay in contact even when peter p is adopted by Howard stark, they stay bffs and peter (quicksilver) becomes friends with MJ and Ned too.

The reason Charles is a twink, is because shaw had him use his mind, while Erik had to, ya know, do murder idk but Erik would have had to break into a place then go crazy bitch, Charles just had to stand outside, press a finger to his temple and boom, dead.

Charles is small like he's shorter than first class Charles because shaw had malnourished him more than Erik because his mutation is harder to control, and therefore he did not get the luxury that is food, he is skinnier! I just want to point that out, he is skinny, short, and doesn't have any muscle, as I said before, he's a twink.

Erik is taller than first class Erik because, in my opinion, if he had been fed properly amongst all the exercise that snake had him do he would be taller.
Charles would force Erik to eat Charles' food even when Charles was starving, Erik would always try and say no but then Charles would turn puppy eyes on him and he would eat. Though he would leave food for Charles.

Charles goes to about Erik's shoulder in height on his tip toes.

Erik's hand is a lot bigger than Charles' hand

When they're kids, Erik is protective, and Charles just stays beside him 24/7 and Erik always try's to protect him from shaw, etc. Shaw would hurt Charles to get to Erik's rage and he would threaten to hurt Erik to scare Charles because while rage works for Erik. Fear works for Charles, though not for himself, for others.

Charles is eight and Erik's ten when they meet

The timeline is fucked up but whatever-

Charles is a precious bean

Erik is Erik *shrug*

Also if any of y'all what's to use this you can as long as you give me credit

(And a link or something would be nice-)

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