chapter two

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Kodas hair was longer then before and was down to his neck,but Aang knew those sparkling eyes anywhere,they glistened in the light that shined in them. "B-but I thought you where dead!" Koda said as he helped his brother up from the ground. "I thought you where dead aswell" Aang said laughing at his brother "wow,I like your hair Aang" Koda said with a playful smirk on his face "don't get use to it ,it's only temporary for survival Koda" Aang playfully punched his brother's arm. " Are you sure that's a bo-"katara smacked sokka in the back of the head before he could finish"ow!" "Please excuse my brother,he has no idea what he's saying" she said smiling and holding her hand out to shake "I'm katara,it's a pleasure to meet you avatar Koda" "nice to meet you two katara" he said sharing her hand."and your brother fine " he laughed looking at sokka makeing him blush brightly from imbarresmet."I'm still hungery!" Sokka yelled crossing his arms "but we have no money " Toph said then Koda smirked, " I can get you some money" " how would you do that?"Toph asked curiously."feminen charm my go lady" he replied then katara jumped to conclusions "me and Toph ar-" " not you and Toph just watch and learn katara" he said laughing as he tied some of his hair into a small pony and then fixed the rest of it and but a headband on covering his arrow,a long sleeve red top and a silk skirt and looked at them ",ta-da!this is how I've been getting money around here." Koda said as he fixed his bottoms underneath the skirt."well, now I know why I thought you where a girl" sokka said looking at him impressed" I'm very impressed" Koda laughed "thanks" " oh my god your cleaver on a hole nother level that its imbarresing" Aang said stretching his bottom eye lids. "Well,at least he's doing the dirty work himself" katara smiled and Toph just stood there " I'm blind so I have no idea but okay".

After a while of walking Koda saw a guy with a bag of gold coins and smirked and walked up as the others watched him play with his hair and fake giggle at the guy as he was about to walk away he snached the man's money and walked back " bingo~" Koda said laughing."okay, now that was impressive" sokka smiled"if he gets us money he's in!"Toph said as she but a fist in the air and katara laughed alittle while Aang wasn't really impressed with this type of thing "Koda that goes against the things the monks thought up back at the temple , stealing is wrong." Koda sighed as Aang said that and his smile Faded " I know Aang but we don't really have a choice,you know that don't you?" He asked Aang as Aang gave him a face of dissaprovely "well, still. . ." Aang replied as Koda rapped an arm around his shoulder " don't worry,when we end this war we can go back to a life as air nomad's" Koda smiled as his brother who smiled as well "we?" Aang said still smiling "well it's not like your doing this alone now is it? I've got you BROTHER" Koda smiled " and  by the looks of it they do too. " Aang smiled brightly at that sentence' I've got you BROTHER' the same words from the note 100 years ago. " Our connection is stronger then the ink underneath out skin from tattoos you know that right?"kodasaid as they walked."yeah, more then that were twins I knew you where still alive" Aang said looking at the light blue sky "sometimes I feel like our destiny's are tied with a string that will never brake,like how we're both Avatars" he also said as Koda looked at him and smiled " is Allow still around?"Koda asked Aang as he smiled a d replied "yep!he's hideing at the beach" "good I missed that giant fluff ball he's fun to cuddle and sleep with "he said as he smiled happily and Aang nodded his head in agreement to his statement."so when you taking off the girls clothes?" Aang asked holding in a little laugh "when we get outta this of this place of nightmares" Koda laughed then his happy face Faded to a sad one when he realized the fire lord will know that there's going to be two avatars he'll be prepared."Aang, have you mastered the other three elements?" Koda asked seriously with a sturn tone of Voice. "Well waters and earth,fires outta my reach but maybe you could teach me!"Aang said " sorry Aang but I only know how to shoot it back. . . I don't know any firebending but that . . . I guess we'll both need a fire bending teacher huh . . ."Koda said sounding ashamed of himself ." It's okay katara is a great water bender!she can teach you and Toph is an earthbender she can even bend metal!"Aang said looking at the girls and so did Koda holding they would agree to it "I'd love to teach him Aang " Katara said smiling to which Koda smiled back and then looked at the blind one,Toph " okay as long as I can give him a nickname"she said "I'm good with that " Koda said still smiling brightly " well okay but she calls me twinkle toes " Aang said. " Ummmm. . . .how about. . . "Toph continued to think about a nickname for Koda as she knew he was fast and light on his feet also she liked the way he behaved , in her opinion he wasn't as much like Aang as she thought he would be. She snapped her fingers and pointed in his ways "blue! Im Gonna call you blue I could feel how shy you where but tryed to hide it! So it blue!" Toph said feeling proud of herself and Koda smiled with a faint pink blush "o-okay " Aang smiled ,he has his brother back! His friends to support him and now he need to protect them but he knows Koda will help him what he didn't know was Koda had been threw alot in the past time he was in the fire nation. From the time Aang got outta the ice burge and Koda got outta his little spear,until know Koda was glad his brother didn't know everything . . .well for now cause of Aang did know it would hurt him alot and he just couldn't see Aang in a hurt state to he's going to have to hide the truth for asking as it takes if he can handle it. . .but being an air nomad and always chooseing peace before voilence he doent know how to brake it to his brother that he. . .


                                                                                                   . . .Almost Killed someone. . .

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