Two - An Unexpected Alliance

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 Adam gaped nervously at the girl, his grey eyes wide with fright.

'G-go away!' He shouted half heartily, thrusting his knife out in front of his chest. 'I'm armed!' He was aware of the impending zombie that was closing in on him from the east.

The girl smirked. 'So am I.' She countered, cocking her gun slyly.

'Adam, help! Damn it!' Shouted William as he flailed his own knife around, trying desperatly to somehow strike the zombie. The girl sighed, rolling her eyes skywards.

'Stay still and I'll help you!' She said loudly and clearly. William continued to flail and yelp helplessly. Adam gasped, moving quickly to William's aid. A gun shot fired, causing Adam to stop in his tracks.


Another shot, and then the thud of a body falling to the ground. Adam yelped loudly, covering his head with his arms. He stood frozen for a long moment, not daring to move, the fear of being shot was paralysing. He tried to strain his ears, searching for the sound of William's struggles, but to no avale. He took several deep breaths, opened one eye at a time, and then removed his arms from his head. The other zombie was now lying on the ground, withering feebly, green pus dribbling from its open mouth, a bullet wound in its neck.

'I said stay still!' The girl yelled. Adam looked over at William, who was alive, but struggling. William was gritting his teeth and trying to move as little as he could. There was another loud bang, and the zombie hovering over William's body collapsed, dead on top of him. Adam ran forward, he grabbed the limp zombie by its feet and dragged the heavy, lead-like figure away from a gasping William, who was visibly fighting the urge to scream. The girl sprung nimbly down from the roof of the car, doing a forwards roll as she landed. She hurried over to the boys and stood above William, her gun raised and directed straight at him.

'Did you get bitten?' She asked quickly, her croaky voice menacing and dangerous. She cocked the gun again, her eyes narrowed fiercely. William shook his head. The girl placed her foot on his chest, pressing down. He winced painfully.

'I said, did you get bitten?!' She repeated, her voice loud and urgant.

'No!' William yelled back. He grabbed the girl's foot and pulled it hard; she fell to the ground, her gun flying off to the side. Adam rushed over, taking William's hand and pulling him to his feet.

'Are you OK?' Adam gasped. William nodded quickly, dusting gravel from his clothes. The girl hauled herself up, grabbing the gun and holding it by her side. William stared angrily at her. Adam stepped backwards, so that he was standing just behind his friend.

'You're welcome.' She said dryly. Neither Adam nor William responded.

'I just saved your life!' She said defensively.

'Yeah, and then you turned a gun on me!' William shot back at her, picking his knife up off the ground. The girl rolled her eyes again, placing her free hand on her hips.

'I had to make sure you'd not been bitten!' She said thickly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. William frowned, flicking a bit of dirt off the blade of his knife. Adam didn't dare open his mouth. The girl sighed loudly again, moving away from the boys and back towards the car. Adam watched as she unclipped a large, black walkie talkie from her belt.

'Drew, come in, are you there?' She said into the machine.

'Kit, love, what's the situation?' Said the man on the other side of the walkie talkie, his voice crackled by the effects of the radio. 'I heard gun shots and screaming.'

'I found two civilians. They're able-bodied. A bit useless when it comes to combat, but one of them looks pretty strong.' The girl replied, her dark eyes flickering to William. Of course he was the strong looking one. Adam thought inwardly, silently cursing his own short stature.

Rabid ImpurityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora