Part 5: Lunch and Learn

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Summary: It's still Monday, Oct. 30, 2023. Bruce drives Natasha through his adopted town of Bridgewater and on to his house. News travels fast. They have company waiting.

Notes: Yes, it's a big chapter. I tried, but I could not think of a better title without spoiling something.

Part 5: Lunch and Learn

[Monday, Oct. 30, 2023]

It was a pleasant ride to Bridgewater with no real traffic since it was only about 11:00 am on a Monday, and the highway route he took was mostly through the countryside. It didn't hurt that it was Autumn and everything was tinged golden, crimson, and orange, especially the hard maples and oaks. It was good to be away from the muddy pit and construction at the Compound. It was even better to have Natasha finally coming home with him.

Bruce could have taken the second exit and arrived home by a quicker route, but he'd wanted to show her the historic part of the town that he'd adopted or, more actually, that chose to adopt him. There was a bit of a strip mall out by the highway, but "Old Bridgewater" (or just "Downtown" to the locals) was picturesque with a river cutting through the middle of town and several beautiful arched stone bridges and Victorian-style houses and other striking architecture. At one time, it had been a mill town and produced woven fabrics, but those days were far in the past. Now it was a quaint, bedroom community headed toward being an outer, outer suburb with a little light industry and tech to go with some agriculture that had been given a boost by the Decimation. Nat was surprised at the number of people who recognized them and waved from the sidewalk at Bruce. He'd rolled his window down to return their casual waves. She smiled as she realized he genuinely enjoyed the interactions and wondered if any of them were "Hulkies" like Marsha had mentioned.

Bruce laughed when a couple of preschool-aged kids pointed eagerly at their vehicle while they waited on a red light to change. The small girl and boy both broke into bicep-flexing poses. He returned the flexed salutes with one of his own. "Hulk out!" he called to them, and they squealed with glee. "You can always tell the kids who've watched the Go Green Science videos because they get all excited like that. Sometimes I think it's really the HX everyone is impressed with since it's unusually large. To most of the local folks, seeing me or the vehicle isn't such a big deal anymore unless they've just been snapped back, so there's just kind of a wave hello to a neighbor. 'Nice to see you.' I like that about this place." Nat thought he was being modest about some of the attention. She'd spotted a few people sneaking pictures, too. Were they Hulkies?

Just when they seemed to have reached the end of town, he'd taken a turn to the right and paralleled the river as it flowed around a bend. When they came around the curve and the trees no longer obstructed the view, Natasha's mouth dropped open. "You bought a castle?!"

Bruce laughed, "No, it's just a big crazy Victorian-style house with some round rooms and stonework. It has three and a half stories and a finished basement. The mill and warehouse are also Victorian era, like most of Main Street, on the outside, but I have cutting-edge lab and workshop space inside."

"Your house has turrets, Bruce. It's a castle."

"Fine, I'm 'The Beast' in a castle now," he joked, deepening his voice. "I guess that makes you Belle?"

"I'd be your Belle. Got a library?" Natasha teased back.

"Do I have a library?! Have you been impersonated by a Skrull for five years?" He was completely happy to see her smile and joke with him again; it gave him faith they could at least try to make a go of it together this time. He hadn't exactly rebuilt the house and grounds just for her, but he'd put a lot of his love for her into it with the vague hope that someday she'd see it. Now, he hoped she'd fall in love with it as he had.

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