Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

Choosing to wear a flannel shirt over the white shirt, he buttoned it and walked out of the closet once again "how's this baby?" He asked her smiling.

Arianna returned his smile and nodded her head "much better"

Thankful that she wasn't crying, he grabbed his wallet, cell phone and car keys from the dresser "alright baby, let's go grab Gabby and head out. Brandon texted that they are almost here so I'll go get the truck ready to go"

"Okay meet you down there in a few" she said and went to Gabby's bedroom down the hall.

Lucas shook his head and prayed that today will go over smoothly and if it doesn't, he knew that he will have a very emotional pregnant woman angry with him.

♠ ♥ ♣ ♦

Once at the mall, they filed out of the truck. Arianna and Madison walked ahead of the guys as they pushed a sleeping Gabby.

"Dude this sucks. The last thing I wanted to do today was go baby shopping" Brandon complained.

"And you think I do? I thought this was something only woman do. Imagine my surprise this morning when she told me I have to take you all out to dinner. It's only 9am man. Dinner isn't even until 7" Lucas said sighing.

Brandon sulked "today is so going to suck. Now I know why we stayed single for so long" he mumbled keeping his voice low. Both afraid that the girls would hear them.

Lucas looked ahead of him and back at Brandon "yeah, tell me about it. Unfortunately man we are stuck. Well, I am. You on the other hand could run away if Madison didn't have your balls in the palm of her hands" he said laughing.

"Dude, you are just as whipped as I am. Don't even act like you're not. All Arianna has to do is smile at you and you do what she says" Brandon reminded him.

"Well my friend, seems like we are both knee deep in shit" Lucas replied.

"Indeed we are my friend. Indeed we are" Brandon mumbled.

Arianna held onto Lucas' hand as they walked up and down the aisles, followed by Madison and Brandon who pushed the carts.

"What about this Ari, I think its so cute for the babies room" Madison asked stopping in front of a white baby changer.

Arianna skipped over to inspect it "hmm. It's cute but I don't know if its cute enough" she replied.

Lucas shook his head and eyed Brandon who rolled his eyes. For the last two hours they have been shopping and Arianna had picked out a whole two outfits. Whoever said that baby shopping was easy and fun lied. There was nothing fun about walking up and down the same aisles over and over and still finding nothing.

"Baby I like this brown one" Lucas spoke up pointing to the first thing his eyes landed on.

Arianna smiled up at him "oh Lucas its perfect" she praised, running her hands over the baby changer.

"How about we get them baby?" He asked smoothly.

Ariannas eyes sparkled with glee and nodded her head "yes I love them" she exclaimed and together Lucas and Brandon loaded the boxes onto the cart.

"Didn't we look at these like ten times?" Brandon questioned once the girls were out of earshot.

Lucas rolled his eyes and bent to lift the second box "yeah and each time she said no"

"Well maybe it helped her that you spoke up man. Maybe If you speak up more this trip will end quicker" Brandon suggested as he grabbed the other side.

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