Chapter Twenty five

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After everyone finished their shopping, the went back to the condo for a bite to eat. 

Since becoming pregnant, Arianna began to experience weird cravings "I'm hungry" she said walking into the kitchen.

Lucas walked up behind her and massaged her back "sit baby, I'll make you some food. What do you want?" He asked her as he pulled out a chair for her.

Arianna signed and propped her feet up on the near by chair noone occupied "I'm craving some  pickles with mayo and peanut butter" she told him.

Lucas stared at her with his mouth hanging open "um, together or separately?" He asked gagging slightly.

"Together would be wonderful" she answered.

Madison and Brandon gagged as Lucas went to the refrigerator and grabbed the pickles and mayo. Setting the items on the counter he looked back at Arianna "are you sure about the peanut butter?" He asked her eyeing the three containers.

"Oh yes, It's the best. I ate it while I was pregnant with Gabby."

"O-Okay" Lucas mumbled and grabbed a bowl. Opening the pickles, he grabbed one and chopped it up. Placing it inside the bowl, he then opened the mayo and added a small scoop.

"More mayo please and one more pickle. Lots of peanut butter" Arianna corrected.

Shaking his head, he cut another pickle and added a heap of mayo. Checking to make sure he added enough and earning a smiled from Arianna he then opened the peanut butter and looked back at the pickles and Mayo chilling in the bowl.

Brandon and Madison, sat at the table and watched as Lucas suffered why making the nastiest concoction for Arianna.

"Oh God, it smells so bad" Lucas yelled and plugged his nose as he added the peanut butter to the bowl.

"Its really good honey, more peanut butter please" Arianna giggled as she watched him struggling to make her food.

Inhaling deeply, he grabbed the biggest spoon and dug into the peanut butter.

"Perfect, now please mix it together really good. Has to be evenly mixed together" Arianna told him from the table.

Lucas scowled at her as he began to mix together the lethal contents "there you go. Enjoy your nasty lunch" he said and handed her the bowl gagging.

Smiling like she just won the lottery, she picked up her spoon and dug into her food while Brandon, Madison and Lucas cringed.

"Well, I have officially lost my appetite" Brandon said gagging as Arianna dipped her spoon into the bowl and shoved it back into her mouth moaning happily.

"Mommy, can I have a bite?" The three of them then looked at Gabby, who was watching Arianna eat as well.

Arianna smiled down at her daughter and nodded her head "sure baby, you use to love this when you were in mommies belly" she said and scooped some onto the spoon and handed it to Gabby.

Gabby happily ate the lethal contents "mm yummy mommy more please" she said and Arianna fed her another bite.

"Oh No, my poor children are now tainted by their mommies nasty cravings" Lucas yelled and threw his hands up into the air.

"Well, maybe it doesn't taste that bad if Gabby likes it as much as Arianna" Brandon said as he watched the two eat more of the nasty, chunky cream colored food.

Madison laughed and turned to the guys " I dare you to try a bite" she dared them.

Brandon shrugged and scrunched his nose at the horrid smell "ya...just because Gabby and Arianna like that shit does not mean we normal people will" he replied half jokingly.

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