Something new!

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Morning comes and Hanna found herself lying on the couch, at HER living room, in HER house. She sat up with her messy hair and half open eyes. "Sunmi! Wake up!" Hanna yell while scratching her back.

"Yah Sunmi" She shouted again. Still no respond. "You should go home now. Else your parents will scold me instead of you" she got up on her feet and walk to Sunmi to wake her friend's ass up. "YOU'RE DEAD NOW" Hanna shouted as she kick her room door open.

"hm?" She tilt her head, wondering where her friend is. She's nowhere to be seen in Hanna's room. "Have she left?" Hanna ask herself. Suddenly a strong and unpleasant smell hits her nose. "ARGH what's this smell" she pinch her nose and enter her room to open up the window.

She starts to look around to find where the smell comes from and to her surprise, there's a pool of puke at the side of her bed. "YYYAAAAHHHHHH" She shouted to the top of her lungs and seconds later, a loud bang coming from the living room.

'That must've been sunmi' she thought and ran out to catch her. As soon as she reach the 1st floor, sunmi was right in front of her eyes trying to hail a taxi. "I got you now" she dramatically shoot sunmi with her fingers, showing the gun sign.

She sprinted as fast she could but as soon as she was about to grab her friend's shirt, someone stick out a piece of flyer right in front of her eyes. "Please try out our new product" a voice interrupted. Hanna got really mad and snatch the paper away from her face.

Sunmi got away thanks to the flyer guy. "EXCUSE ME!! I ALMOST GOT HER!!" Hanna shouted angrily at the guy. "Sorry but she asked me too. She even payed me $50 for it" The flyer guy said as he showed her the money. "Should I kill her or kidnapped her" Hanna whispered under her breathe and the guy overheard it and got shocked.

He slowly moved


*door knocks*

Hanna rush from the couch and answer the door. "Yes?" she said, staring at the middle age men from top to toe. She scans his vest and notice the words that was on it, 'xxx movers'. "Hello, I'm Hyunsik from xxx Movers. Sorry to disturb you but the guy that is moving next door isn't here for the past 2 hours. I'm really late for my next client" he said.

"Then how can I help?" Hanna replied. "Can you help me sign some papers for me?" he pleaded. "What's this for?" Hanna ask as she is being careful before signing something blindly. "It is just an acknowledgement for moving all his stuff to his house" he smile while giving her the papers.

"Hm? It's a guy?" Hanna ask the worker while she signs it. "Hahaha... indeed! You must be lucky. The one moving next to you is a very handsome young man. I think he is around your age" he laugh and she cheered in joy on the inside.

She passed the papers back to the worker and he thanked her for helping him. "I hope you both will have a love life together" he smile widely before going off. She shuts the door and throw a punch in the air, jumping up and down in joy.

"It's a handsome guy" she smile widely to herself as if she's deeply in love. "Should I bake something for the new neighbor?" she started to get lost in thoughts on how her new neighbor would be happy when she welcome him with her delicious cupcakes.

"I'm really curious how good looking is this guy" she giggle to herself and ran to the kitchen to bake.


While resting on the couch with the television on, she heard knockings on her door. In a flash, she sat up with a wide smile on her face, thinking that it is her new neighbor. She immediately ran to answer the door.

Everything starts to move in a slow motion as Hanna swing the door open, slowly revealing the person. It's a guy who was at her door, judging from his short hair and his clothing from the back view. 'He's has broad shoulder and is tall too. His fashion too....ahhh he is a true definition of perfect' Hanna screamed on the inside as she admires his features just by looking at his back.

"Hi" Hanna said and everything went back to normal. The guy turns around and to her surprise it was someone she knows. "What?! Jeon Jungkook?" she said in disbelief. "Don't you have better things to do rather than stalking me? I'm not interested in someone like you" Hanna rolled her eyes at Jungkook thinking that he came for her.

"I-I think you get the wrong idea. I want to thank you for signing the papers for me" he chuckled. Hanna's eyes were wide open and her jaw dropped. "W-what?! You're my new neighbor?!" she raised her voice in disbelief.

"Apparently yes. Oh and also I want to pay you back for the night snacks at the convenience store" he fish out his wallet and fork out a few dollars. "No! It's fine. You can have it" She lowered her gaze as she was disappointed that her neighbor was Jungkook but she decided to put aside that feeling and move forward.

"Then I'll treat you something nicer next time and also I'm sorry for stealing your food last night and for being rude. I was not in a right state of mind" he smile awkwardly. "It's okay." She sigh deeply, feeling bad for cursing at him last night.

"I'll get going then. Have a nice day" Jungkook bowed and walked away. Hanna shut the door and was a little confuse by Jungkook's behavior.

"Last night he was giving me a jerk vibe and now he is something else...?" Hanna scratched her head and her eyes landed on the cupcakes that was on the counter table. "Should I give it to him? I mean he needs feel welcome. Right?" she said. She grabbed the cupcakes and decided that they need to be kind to each other in order to have a peaceful environment since they're neighbors.

She went to knock onto Jungkook's house with her sloppy home clothes. "I'm coming!" A man's voice was heard from inside. The door swings open and it was Jungkook. "Hey" he said with a genuine smile. "Hi! I've baked some cupcakes to welcome you to the neighborhood" She smile and gave him the cupcakes that was wrapped nicely by her.

"Wahh thank you" Jungkook smile widely, looking at the cupcake with eyes full of hearts. As Hanna was about to leave, Jungkook called out for her.

"Wait! Are you free tomorrow evening? I will be having a small party in my house with some friends. You can come if you want to" his warm smile and soft voice tone touched Hanna's heart. She felt delighted by the invitation from a handsome man.

"I'll drop by if I have the time. Thank you" she said and left.   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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