Going In Circles

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Ok new story time! I promise I will update Anybody Out There soon. I also have another story coming your way soon! Ok chap 1

Paige sighed. Tonight was going to be a long night. At least she had her friends with her. It's just being a back up dancer that had to dress like a girl version of her boyfriend and your brother happening to be one of the singers your dancing/ singing for, yeah it could be stressful.

"Whats up little sis?" Liam asked as he pulled Paige into a hug from behind.

"The sky", she sighed and Liam came around to face her frowning.

"You and Harry got in another fight again didn't you?" he said in a stern voice like he was their father.

"Yes, but don't get mad, it's was just a little fight", she said quietly while playing with the hem of her skirt.

"That's what you always say", he says just as quite. "and they have been happening more often now."

"Liam it's just a bump in the road, all relationships have them. Now why don't you go and sing or something!" she snapped at him, now mad.

"Ok, ok, just making sure your ok", he raised his hands in defeat, before walking away.

"What happened there?" Alexa, Paige's best friend asked, pointing at Liam.

"Nothing, it was nothing", she answered, but she was looking at Harry laughing with Niall's backup dancer Maddy.

"Ok, if you say so", she replied while rolling her eyes and Paige shrugged.

"Alexa I need to talk to you", both girls heard Louis yell over at them as he jogged over to his backup dancer.

"Hey", he said when he finally reached them while looking at Paige.

"Hey", she said, looking down at the ground more then at him.

The silence went on for a moment before Alexa finally broke it.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" she asked and before Louis could think of a good excuse for coming over Harry wrapped an arm around Paige.

"Hey babe", he whispered, kissing her cheek before turn to the rest of the group.

"Hey", she whispered back, glancing up at Louis. He was trying to look anywhere but them.

"So what did you want to tell me?" Alexa asked, breaking the tension once again.

"Oh I can't even remember now", he laughed a little and then turned to leave.

"Break a leg you guys", he called over his shoulder and they all smiled.

"You too", they yelled back before the stage manger told them it was time to get in positions.

They all moved the their designated spots.

Paige behind Harry. She was wearing a school girl skirt and a button down shirt with a blazer. Her short curly hair styled perfectly.

Alexa stood behind Louis. She was wearing short high rising red shirts and a striped shirt with her brown hair in a side pony tail.

Next to Alexa was Liam and Jaime. Jaime wore a vest and a short sleeve button down shirt with a dress skirt and converse. Her blondish hair falling down her shoulders.

Then there was Zayn and Amanda. She was wearing a varsity jacket and black skinny jeans with her black hair in a high ponytail.

Lastly there was Niall and Maddy. Maddy was wearing a green plaid shirt with short black shorts and her blonde hair was also down.

The lights dimmed and the finally sound check was made as the crowd screamed. The curtain made its way up and each one stepped on stage, the girls dancing behind them.

Ok if you are familiar with Anybody Out There the couples and people are the same as that story. Yes this starts off as PaigeXHarry but it will be PaigeXLouis in the end. If this wasn't clearness to you who's who's backup dancer then message me. Ok bye

Going In CirclesWhere stories live. Discover now