The Lucky Girl

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Songs you can listen to {on repeat} for this chapter ;
1) I Loved You by Day6

"What?", Jisoo laughed at her friend.

"Why are you laughing? I'm not joking around.", Jinyoung scowled and Jisoo sighed smally as she stirred her drink.

"Look. I'm sorry. It's just..this is not like you.", Jisoo pointed out, "Just come clean. Tell your family that you and Taera broke up.", Jisoo said as she sipped on her iced tea.

"I can't do that okay. I've been telling them that once I finish my contract here in New York, I was going to bring her home and introduce her to my family, they're already expecting so much, and with my sister's incident last time, I don't want to let them down.", Jinyoung said. Jisoo then frowned.

"I don't know Jinyoung.", Jisoo sighed, "Fake dating. Tricking your family into thinking that we're actually in love. It's a lot don't you think?", Jisoo said, and Jinyoung raked his hair back, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

"I promise Jisoo. If we get caught. It'll be all on me. You're my only Korean friend here in New York. And you're also already preparing to go back to Korea for good and so am I. Doesn't that tell you anything?", Jinyoung said raising his left eyebrow, looking at Jisoo hopefully, "Just two months Jisoo. Please.", Jinyoung said, pleadingly.

"Like..?", Jisoo said, confused and Jinyoung rolled his eyes playfully.

"That the universe wants you to help me.", Jinyoung said and now it was Jisoo's turn to roll her eyes. She then kept quiet for awhile. Giving it some thought.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen. We can just breakup in Korea, and people around us will be disappointed but soon enough people will accept that fact. Jisoo thought.

"So?", Jinyoung said, snapping Jisoo out of her thoughts.

"I'll do it.", Jisoo said and Jinyoung smiled smugly.

"Do we have a deal?", Jinyoung said, reaching his hand out to Jisoo.

"We do.", Jisoo smiled as she shook Jinyoung's hand.


A week later, they were finally at the airport in Korea.

"So good to be home.", Jisoo said as she inhaled, relieved to be home.

"Right. Okay Jisoo let's go through it one more time.", Jinyoung said as he pushed the trolley with their bags inside.

"Okay. We've been dating for a year. We met at a cafè. And you're a lawyer. And you're the last one from two siblings, and you have an older sister, who's a psychologist, and she has a daughter. And your dad is a lawyer as well, and he owns his own law firm. And your mother has a bakery.", Jisoo said, adamantly, "Did I miss anything?", Jisoo said as she looked up at Jinyoung who was looking at her with a broad smile.

"You got it all perfectly.", Jinyoung said and Jisoo murmured a thank you.

"Oh Jinyoung. Wait.", Jisoo said suddenly, stopping in her tracks.

"What?", Jinyoung asked, looking back at Jisoo.

"What do I tell them when they ask about me?", Jisoo asked, tilting her head, and Jinyoung smiled at her question.

you, me and the universeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu